class Bootsnap::LoadPathCache::Cache
def absolute_path?(path)
def absolute_path?(path) path[1] == ':' end
def absolute_path?(path)
def absolute_path?(path) path.start_with?(SLASH) end
def dir_changed?
def dir_changed? @prev_dir ||= Dir.pwd if @prev_dir == Dir.pwd false else @prev_dir = Dir.pwd true end end
def each_requirable
def each_requirable @mutex.synchronize do @index.each do |rel, entry| yield "#{entry}/#{rel}" end end end
def find(feature)
Try to resolve this feature to an absolute path without traversing the
def find(feature) reinitialize if (@has_relative_paths && dir_changed?) || stale? feature = feature.to_s return feature if absolute_path?(feature) return File.expand_path(feature) if feature.start_with?('./') @mutex.synchronize do x = search_index(feature) return x if x # Ruby has some built-in features that require lies about. # For example, 'enumerator' is built in. If you require it, ruby # returns false as if it were already loaded; however, there is no # file to find on disk. We've pre-built a list of these, and we # return false if any of them is loaded. raise LoadPathCache::ReturnFalse if BUILTIN_FEATURES.key?(feature) # The feature wasn't found on our preliminary search through the index. # We resolve this differently depending on what the extension was. case File.extname(feature) # If the extension was one of the ones we explicitly cache (.rb and the # native dynamic extension, e.g. .bundle or .so), we know it was a # failure and there's nothing more we can do to find the file. # no extension, .rb, (.bundle or .so) when '', *CACHED_EXTENSIONS # rubocop:disable Performance/CaseWhenSplat nil # Ruby allows specifying native extensions as '.so' even when DLEXT # is '.bundle'. This is where we handle that case. when DOT_SO x = search_index(feature[0..-4] + DLEXT) return x if x if DLEXT2 search_index(feature[0..-4] + DLEXT2) end else # other, unknown extension. For example, `.rake`. Since we haven't # cached these, we legitimately need to run the load path search. raise LoadPathCache::FallbackScan end end end
def has_dir?(dir)
e.g. given "/a/b/c/d" exists, and the path is ["/a/b"], has_dir?("c/d")
Does this directory exist as a child of one of the path items?
def has_dir?(dir) reinitialize if stale? @mutex.synchronize { @dirs[dir] } end
def initialize(store, path_obj, development_mode: false)
def initialize(store, path_obj, development_mode: false) @development_mode = development_mode @store = store @mutex = defined?(::Mutex) ? : # TODO: Remove once Ruby 2.2 support is dropped. @path_obj =! { |f| File.exist?(f) ? File.realpath(f) : f } @has_relative_paths = nil reinitialize end
def now
def now Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC).to_i end
def push_paths(sender, *paths)
def push_paths(sender, *paths) return unless sender == @path_obj @mutex.synchronize { push_paths_locked(*paths) } end
def push_paths_locked(*paths)
def push_paths_locked(*paths) @store.transaction do do |path| p = @has_relative_paths = true if p.relative? next if p.non_directory? entries, dirs = p.entries_and_dirs(@store) # push -> low precedence -> set only if unset dirs.each { |dir| @dirs[dir] ||= true } entries.each { |rel| @index[rel] ||= p.expanded_path } end end end
def reinitialize(path_obj = @path_obj)
def reinitialize(path_obj = @path_obj) @mutex.synchronize do @path_obj = path_obj ChangeObserver.register(self, @path_obj) @index = {} @dirs = @generated_at = now push_paths_locked(*@path_obj) end end
def search_index(f)
def search_index(f) try_index(f + DOT_RB) || try_index(f + DLEXT) || try_index(f + DLEXT2) || try_index(f) end
def search_index(f)
def search_index(f) try_index(f + DOT_RB) || try_index(f + DLEXT) || try_index(f) end
def stale?
def stale? @development_mode && @generated_at + AGE_THRESHOLD < now end
def try_index(f)
def try_index(f) if p = @index[f] p + '/' + f end end
def unshift_paths(sender, *paths)
def unshift_paths(sender, *paths) return unless sender == @path_obj @mutex.synchronize { unshift_paths_locked(*paths) } end
def unshift_paths_locked(*paths)
def unshift_paths_locked(*paths) @store.transaction do do |path| p = next if p.non_directory? entries, dirs = p.entries_and_dirs(@store) # unshift -> high precedence -> unconditional set dirs.each { |dir| @dirs[dir] = true } entries.each { |rel| @index[rel] = p.expanded_path } end end end