module Faker::Education
def degree
def degree "#{DEGREE_PREFIX.rand} in #{major}" end
def degree_short
def degree_short "#{DEGREE_SHORT_PREFIX.rand} in #{major}" end
def major
def major "#{MAJOR_ADJ.rand} #{MAJOR_NOUN.rand}" end
def school
def school case rand(5) when (0..1) then "#{school_name} #{SCHOOL_TYPE.rand}" when 2 then "#{school_generic_name} #{SCHOOL_ADJ.rand} #{SCHOOL_TYPE.rand}" when 3 then "#{SCHOOL_UNI.rand} of #{school_generic_name}" when 4 then "#{school_generic_name} #{SCHOOL_TYPE.rand} of #{MAJOR_NOUN.rand}" end end
def school_generic_name
def school_generic_name case rand(2) when 0 then AddressUS::STATE.rand when 1 then school_name end end
def school_name
def school_name SCHOOL_PREFIX.rand + SCHOOL_SUFFIX.rand end