class ActionMailer::InlinePreviewInterceptor
This interceptor is enabled by default. To disable it, delete it from the
when previewing an HTML email in a web browser.
that use inline cid: style URLs to data: style URLs so that they are visible
Implements a mailer preview interceptor that converts image tag src attributes
def self.previewing_email(message) # :nodoc:
def self.previewing_email(message) # :nodoc: new(message).transform! end
def data_url(part)
def data_url(part) "data:#{part.mime_type};base64,#{strict_encode64(part.body.raw_source)}" end
def find_part(cid)
def find_part(cid) message.all_parts.find { |p| p.attachment? && p.cid == cid } end
def html_part
def html_part @html_part ||= message.html_part end
def initialize(message) # :nodoc:
def initialize(message) # :nodoc: @message = message end
def transform! # :nodoc:
def transform! # :nodoc: return message if html_part.blank? html_part.body = html_part.decoded.gsub(PATTERN) do |match| if part = find_part(match[9..-2]) %[src="#{data_url(part)}"] else match end end message end