# frozen_string_literal: true
require "active_support/core_ext/array/extract_options"
require "active_job"
module ActionMailer
# Provides helper methods for testing Action Mailer, including #assert_emails
# and #assert_no_emails.
module TestHelper
include ActiveJob::TestHelper
# Asserts that the number of emails sent matches the given number.
# def test_emails
# assert_emails 0
# ContactMailer.welcome.deliver_now
# assert_emails 1
# ContactMailer.welcome.deliver_now
# assert_emails 2
# end
# If a block is passed, that block should cause the specified number of
# emails to be sent.
# def test_emails_again
# assert_emails 1 do
# ContactMailer.welcome.deliver_now
# end
# assert_emails 2 do
# ContactMailer.welcome.deliver_now
# ContactMailer.welcome.deliver_later
# end
# end
def assert_emails(number, &block)
if block_given?
diff = capture_emails(&block).length
assert_equal number, diff, "#{number} emails expected, but #{diff} were sent"
assert_equal number, ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size
# Asserts that no emails have been sent.
# def test_emails
# assert_no_emails
# ContactMailer.welcome.deliver_now
# assert_emails 1
# end
# If a block is passed, that block should not cause any emails to be sent.
# def test_emails_again
# assert_no_emails do
# # No emails should be sent from this block
# end
# end
# Note: This assertion is simply a shortcut for:
# assert_emails 0, &block
def assert_no_emails(&block)
assert_emails 0, &block
# Asserts that the number of emails enqueued for later delivery matches
# the given number.
# def test_emails
# assert_enqueued_emails 0
# ContactMailer.welcome.deliver_later
# assert_enqueued_emails 1
# ContactMailer.welcome.deliver_later
# assert_enqueued_emails 2
# end
# If a block is passed, that block should cause the specified number of
# emails to be enqueued.
# def test_emails_again
# assert_enqueued_emails 1 do
# ContactMailer.welcome.deliver_later
# end
# assert_enqueued_emails 2 do
# ContactMailer.welcome.deliver_later
# ContactMailer.welcome.deliver_later
# end
# end
def assert_enqueued_emails(number, &block)
assert_enqueued_jobs(number, only: ->(job) { delivery_job_filter(job) }, &block)
# Asserts that a specific email has been enqueued, optionally
# matching arguments and/or params.
# def test_email
# ContactMailer.welcome.deliver_later
# assert_enqueued_email_with ContactMailer, :welcome
# end
# def test_email_with_parameters
# ContactMailer.with(greeting: "Hello").welcome.deliver_later
# assert_enqueued_email_with ContactMailer, :welcome, args: { greeting: "Hello" }
# end
# def test_email_with_arguments
# ContactMailer.welcome("Hello", "Goodbye").deliver_later
# assert_enqueued_email_with ContactMailer, :welcome, args: ["Hello", "Goodbye"]
# end
# def test_email_with_named_arguments
# ContactMailer.welcome(greeting: "Hello", farewell: "Goodbye").deliver_later
# assert_enqueued_email_with ContactMailer, :welcome, args: [{ greeting: "Hello", farewell: "Goodbye" }]
# end
# def test_email_with_parameters_and_arguments
# ContactMailer.with(greeting: "Hello").welcome("Cheers", "Goodbye").deliver_later
# assert_enqueued_email_with ContactMailer, :welcome, params: { greeting: "Hello" }, args: ["Cheers", "Goodbye"]
# end
# def test_email_with_parameters_and_named_arguments
# ContactMailer.with(greeting: "Hello").welcome(farewell: "Goodbye").deliver_later
# assert_enqueued_email_with ContactMailer, :welcome, params: { greeting: "Hello" }, args: [{farewell: "Goodbye"}]
# end
# def test_email_with_parameterized_mailer
# ContactMailer.with(greeting: "Hello").welcome.deliver_later
# assert_enqueued_email_with ContactMailer.with(greeting: "Hello"), :welcome
# end
# def test_email_with_matchers
# ContactMailer.with(greeting: "Hello").welcome("Cheers", "Goodbye").deliver_later
# assert_enqueued_email_with ContactMailer, :welcome,
# params: ->(params) { /hello/i.match?(params[:greeting]) },
# args: ->(args) { /cheers/i.match?(args[0]) }
# end
# If a block is passed, that block should cause the specified email
# to be enqueued.
# def test_email_in_block
# assert_enqueued_email_with ContactMailer, :welcome do
# ContactMailer.welcome.deliver_later
# end
# end
# If +args+ is provided as a Hash, a parameterized email is matched.
# def test_parameterized_email
# assert_enqueued_email_with ContactMailer, :welcome,
# args: {email: 'user@example.com'} do
# ContactMailer.with(email: 'user@example.com').welcome.deliver_later
# end
# end
def assert_enqueued_email_with(mailer, method, params: nil, args: nil, queue: nil, &block)
if mailer.is_a? ActionMailer::Parameterized::Mailer
params = mailer.instance_variable_get(:@params)
mailer = mailer.instance_variable_get(:@mailer)
args = Array(args) unless args.is_a?(Proc)
queue ||= mailer.deliver_later_queue_name || ActiveJob::Base.default_queue_name
expected = ->(job_args) do
job_kwargs = job_args.extract_options!
[mailer.to_s, method.to_s, "deliver_now"] == job_args &&
params === job_kwargs[:params] && args === job_kwargs[:args]
assert_enqueued_with(job: mailer.delivery_job, args: expected, queue: queue.to_s, &block)
# Asserts that no emails are enqueued for later delivery.
# def test_no_emails
# assert_no_enqueued_emails
# ContactMailer.welcome.deliver_later
# assert_enqueued_emails 1
# end
# If a block is provided, it should not cause any emails to be enqueued.
# def test_no_emails
# assert_no_enqueued_emails do
# # No emails should be enqueued from this block
# end
# end
def assert_no_enqueued_emails(&block)
assert_enqueued_emails 0, &block
# Delivers all enqueued emails. If a block is given, delivers all of the emails
# that were enqueued throughout the duration of the block. If a block is
# not given, delivers all the enqueued emails up to this point in the test.
# def test_deliver_enqueued_emails
# deliver_enqueued_emails do
# ContactMailer.welcome.deliver_later
# end
# assert_emails 1
# end
# def test_deliver_enqueued_emails_without_block
# ContactMailer.welcome.deliver_later
# deliver_enqueued_emails
# assert_emails 1
# end
# If the +:queue+ option is specified,
# then only the emails(s) enqueued to a specific queue will be performed.
# def test_deliver_enqueued_emails_with_queue
# deliver_enqueued_emails queue: :external_mailers do
# CustomerMailer.deliver_later_queue_name = :external_mailers
# CustomerMailer.welcome.deliver_later # will be performed
# EmployeeMailer.deliver_later_queue_name = :internal_mailers
# EmployeeMailer.welcome.deliver_later # will not be performed
# end
# assert_emails 1
# end
# If the +:at+ option is specified, then only delivers emails enqueued to deliver
# immediately or before the given time.
def deliver_enqueued_emails(queue: nil, at: nil, &block)
perform_enqueued_jobs(only: ->(job) { delivery_job_filter(job) }, queue: queue, at: at, &block)
# Returns any emails that are sent in the block.
# def test_emails
# emails = capture_emails do
# ContactMailer.welcome.deliver_now
# end
# assert_equal "Hi there", emails.first.subject
# emails = capture_emails do
# ContactMailer.welcome.deliver_now
# ContactMailer.welcome.deliver_later
# end
# assert_equal "Hi there", emails.first.subject
# end
def capture_emails(&block)
original_count = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size
new_count = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size
diff = new_count - original_count
def delivery_job_filter(job)
job_class = job.is_a?(Hash) ? job.fetch(:job) : job.class