module ActionMailer::MailHelper
def block_format(text)
block_format text
* item1 * item2
the paragraph.
This is
text = <<-TEXT
wrapped at 72 columns:
Take the text and format it, indented two spaces for each line, and
def block_format(text) formatted = text.split(/\n\r?\n/).collect { |paragraph| format_paragraph(paragraph) }.join("\n\n") # Make list points stand on their own line output = +"" splits = formatted.split(/(\*+|\#+)/) while line = splits.shift if line.start_with?("*", "#") && splits.first&.start_with?(" ") output.chomp!(" ") while output.end_with?(" ") output << " #{line} #{splits.shift.strip}\n" else output << line end end output end