module ActionController class ActionControllerError < StandardError #:nodoc: end class RenderError < ActionControllerError #:nodoc: end class RoutingError < ActionControllerError #:nodoc: attr_reader :failures def initialize(message, failures=[]) super(message) @failures = failures end end class MethodNotAllowed < ActionControllerError #:nodoc: attr_reader :allowed_methods def initialize(*allowed_methods) super("Only #{allowed_methods.to_sentence(:locale => :en)} requests are allowed.") end end class NotImplemented < MethodNotAllowed #:nodoc: end class UnknownController < ActionControllerError #:nodoc: end class MissingFile < ActionControllerError #:nodoc: end class RenderError < ActionControllerError #:nodoc: end class SessionOverflowError < ActionControllerError #:nodoc: DEFAULT_MESSAGE = 'Your session data is larger than the data column in which it is to be stored. You must increase the size of your data column if you intend to store large data.' def initialize(message = nil) super(message || DEFAULT_MESSAGE) end end class UnknownHttpMethod < ActionControllerError #:nodoc: end end