require'erubis'require'active_support/configurable'require'active_support/descendants_tracker'require'active_support/core_ext/module/anonymous'moduleAbstractControllerclassError<StandardError;endclassActionNotFound<StandardError;end# <tt>AbstractController::Base</tt> is a low-level API. Nobody should be# using it directly, and subclasses (like ActionController::Base) are# expected to provide their own +render+ method, since rendering means# different things depending on the context.classBaseattr_internal:response_bodyattr_internal:action_nameattr_internal:formatsincludeActiveSupport::ConfigurableextendActiveSupport::DescendantsTrackerundef_method:not_implementedclass<<selfattr_reader:abstractalias_method:abstract?,:abstract# Define a controller as abstract. See internal_methods for more# details.defabstract!@abstract=trueend# A list of all internal methods for a controller. This finds the first# abstract superclass of a controller, and gets a list of all public# instance methods on that abstract class. Public instance methods of# a controller would normally be considered action methods, so methods# declared on abstract classes are being removed.# (ActionController::Metal and ActionController::Base are defined as abstract)definternal_methodscontroller=selfcontroller=controller.superclassuntilcontroller.abstract?controller.public_instance_methods(true)end# The list of hidden actions to an empty array. Defaults to an# empty array. This can be modified by other modules or subclasses# to specify particular actions as hidden.## ==== Returns# * <tt>array</tt> - An array of method names that should not be considered actions.defhidden_actions[]end# A list of method names that should be considered actions. This# includes all public instance methods on a controller, less# any internal methods (see #internal_methods), adding back in# any methods that are internal, but still exist on the class# itself. Finally, #hidden_actions are removed.## ==== Returns# * <tt>array</tt> - A list of all methods that should be considered actions.defaction_methods@action_methods||=begin# All public instance methods of this class, including ancestorsmethods=(public_instance_methods(true)-# Except for public instance methods of Base and its ancestorsinternal_methods+# Be sure to include shadowed public instance methods of this classpublic_instance_methods(false)){|x|x.to_s}-# And always exclude explicitly hidden actionshidden_actions.to_a# Clear out AS callback method pollutionmethods.reject{|method|method=~/_one_time_conditions/}endend# action_methods are cached and there is sometimes need to refresh# them. clear_action_methods! allows you to do that, so next time# you run action_methods, they will be recalculateddefclear_action_methods!@action_methods=nilend# Returns the full controller name, underscored, without the ending Controller.# For instance, MyApp::MyPostsController would return "my_app/my_posts" for# controller_name.## ==== Returns# * <tt>string</tt>defcontroller_path@controller_path||=name.sub(/Controller$/,'').underscoreunlessanonymous?enddefmethod_added(name)superclear_action_methods!endendabstract!# Calls the action going through the entire action dispatch stack.## The actual method that is called is determined by calling# #method_for_action. If no method can handle the action, then an# ActionNotFound error is raised.## ==== Returns# * <tt>self</tt>defprocess(action,*args)@_action_name=action_name=action.to_sunlessaction_name=method_for_action(action_name)raiseActionNotFound,"The action '#{action}' could not be found for #{}"end@_response_body=nilprocess_action(action_name,*args)end# Delegates to the class' #controller_pathdefcontroller_pathself.class.controller_pathenddefaction_methodsself.class.action_methodsend# Returns true if a method for the action is available and# can be dispatched, false otherwise.## Notice that <tt>action_methods.include?("foo")</tt> may return# false and <tt>available_action?("foo")</tt> returns true because# available action consider actions that are also available# through other means, for example, implicit render ones.defavailable_action?(action_name)method_for_action(action_name).present?endprivate# Returns true if the name can be considered an action because# it has a method defined in the controller.## ==== Parameters# * <tt>name</tt> - The name of an action to be tested## ==== Returns# * <tt>TrueClass</tt>, <tt>FalseClass</tt>## :api: privatedefaction_method?(name)self.class.action_methods.include?(name)end# Call the action. Override this in a subclass to modify the# behavior around processing an action. This, and not #process,# is the intended way to override action dispatching.## Notice that the first argument is the method to be dispatched# which is *not* necessarily the same as the action name.defprocess_action(method_name,*args)send_action(method_name,*args)end# Actually call the method associated with the action. Override# this method if you wish to change how action methods are called,# not to add additional behavior around it. For example, you would# override #send_action if you want to inject arguments into the# method.aliassend_actionsend# If the action name was not found, but a method called "action_missing"# was found, #method_for_action will return "_handle_action_missing".# This method calls #action_missing with the current action name.def_handle_action_missing(*args)action_missing(@_action_name,*args)end# Takes an action name and returns the name of the method that will# handle the action. In normal cases, this method returns the same# name as it receives. By default, if #method_for_action receives# a name that is not an action, it will look for an #action_missing# method and return "_handle_action_missing" if one is found.## Subclasses may override this method to add additional conditions# that should be considered an action. For instance, an HTTP controller# with a template matching the action name is considered to exist.## If you override this method to handle additional cases, you may# also provide a method (like _handle_method_missing) to handle# the case.## If none of these conditions are true, and method_for_action# returns nil, an ActionNotFound exception will be raised.## ==== Parameters# * <tt>action_name</tt> - An action name to find a method name for## ==== Returns# * <tt>string</tt> - The name of the method that handles the action# * <tt>nil</tt> - No method name could be found. Raise ActionNotFound.defmethod_for_action(action_name)ifaction_method?(action_name)thenaction_nameelsifrespond_to?(:action_missing,true)then"_handle_action_missing"endendendend