module ActionController::Instrumentation
def append_info_to_payload(payload) #:nodoc:
:api: plugin
with the payload, so you can add more information.
Every time after an action is processed, this method is invoked
def append_info_to_payload(payload) #:nodoc: payload[:view_runtime] = view_runtime end
def cleanup_view_runtime #:nodoc:
:api: plugin
super - time_taken_in_something_expensive
def cleanup_view_runtime
views, like database querying time.
A hook which allows you to clean up any time, wrongly taken into account in
def cleanup_view_runtime #:nodoc: yield end
def halted_callback_hook(filter)
def halted_callback_hook(filter) ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument("halted_callback.action_controller", :filter => filter) end
def process_action(*args)
def process_action(*args) raw_payload = { :controller =>, :action => self.action_name, :params => request.filtered_parameters, :headers => request.headers, :format => request.format.ref, :method => request.request_method, :path => request.fullpath } ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument("start_processing.action_controller", raw_payload.dup) ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument("process_action.action_controller", raw_payload) do |payload| begin result = super payload[:status] = response.status result ensure append_info_to_payload(payload) end end end
def redirect_to(*args)
def redirect_to(*args) ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument("redirect_to.action_controller") do |payload| result = super payload[:status] = response.status payload[:location] = response.filtered_location result end end
def render(*args)
def render(*args) render_output = nil self.view_runtime = cleanup_view_runtime do { render_output = super } end render_output end
def send_data(data, options = {})
def send_data(data, options = {}) ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument("send_data.action_controller", options) do super end end
def send_file(path, options={})
def send_file(path, options={}) ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument("send_file.action_controller", options.merge(:path => path)) do super end end