Rails 8.0.1 (December 13, 2024)

  • Add ActionDispatch::Request::Session#store method to conform Rack spec.


Rails (December 10, 2024)

  • Add validation to content security policies to disallow spaces and semicolons.
    Developers should use multiple arguments, and different directive methods instead.


    Gannon McGibbon

Rails 8.0.0 (November 07, 2024)

  • No changes.

Rails 8.0.0.rc2 (October 30, 2024)

  • Fix routes with :: in the path.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Maintain Rack 2 parameter parsing behaviour.

    Matthew Draper

Rails 8.0.0.rc1 (October 19, 2024)

  • Remove Rails.application.config.action_controller.allow_deprecated_parameters_hash_equality.

    Rafael Mendonça França

  • Improve ActionController::TestCase to expose a binary encoded request.body.

    The rack spec clearly states:

    > The input stream is an IO-like object which contains the raw HTTP POST data.
    > When applicable, its external encoding must be “ASCII-8BIT” and it must be opened in binary mode.

    Until now its encoding was generally UTF-8, which doesn’t accurately reflect production

    Jean Boussier

  • Update ActionController::AllowBrowser to support passing method names to :block

    class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
      allow_browser versions: :modern, block: :handle_outdated_browser
        def handle_outdated_browser
          render file: Rails.root.join("public/custom-error.html"), status: :not_acceptable

    Sean Doyle

  • Raise an ArgumentError when invalid :only or :except options are passed into #resource and #resources.

    Joshua Young

Rails 8.0.0.beta1 (September 26, 2024)

  • Fix non-GET requests not updating cookies in ActionController::TestCase.

    Jon Moss, Hartley McGuire

  • Update ActionController::Live to use a thread-pool to reuse threads across requests.

    Adam Renberg Tamm

  • Introduce safer, more explicit params handling method with params#expect such that
    params.expect(table: [ :attr ]) replaces params.require(:table).permit(:attr)

    Ensures params are filtered with consideration for the expected
    types of values, improving handling of params and avoiding ignorable
    errors caused by params tampering.

    # If the url is altered to ?person=hacked
    # Before
    params.require(:person).permit(:name, :age, pets: [:name])
    # raises NoMethodError, causing a 500 and potential error reporting
    # After
    params.expect(person: [ :name, :age, pets: [[:name]] ])
    # raises ActionController::ParameterMissing, correctly returning a 400 error

    You may also notice the new double array [[:name]]. In order to
    declare when a param is expected to be an array of parameter hashes,
    this new double array syntax is used to explicitly declare an array.
    expect requires you to declare expected arrays in this way, and will
    ignore arrays that are passed when, for example, pet: [:name] is used.

    In order to preserve compatibility, permit does not adopt the new
    double array syntax and is therefore more permissive about unexpected
    types. Using expect everywhere is recommended.

    We suggest replacing params.require(:person).permit(:name, :age)
    with the direct replacement params.expect(person: [:name, :age])
    to prevent external users from manipulating params to trigger 500
    errors. A 400 error will be returned instead, using public/400.html

    Usage of params.require(:id) should likewise be replaced with
    params.expect(:id) which is designed to ensure that params[:id]
    is a scalar and not an array or hash, also requiring the param.

    # Before
    User.find(params.require(:id)) # allows an array, altering behavior
    # After
    User.find(params.expect(:id)) # expect only returns non-blank permitted scalars (excludes Hash, Array, nil, "", etc)

    Martin Emde

  • System Testing: Disable Chrome’s search engine choice by default in system tests.


  • Fix Request#raw_post raising NoMethodError when rack.input is nil.

    Hartley McGuire

  • Remove racc dependency by manually writing ActionDispatch::Journey::Scanner.

    Gannon McGibbon

  • Speed up ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper::Scope#[] by merging frame hashes.

    Gannon McGibbon

  • Allow bots to ignore allow_browser.

    Matthew Nguyen

  • Deprecate drawing routes with multiple paths to make routing faster.
    You may use with_options or a loop to make drawing multiple paths easier.

    # Before
    get "/users", "/other_path", to: "users#index"
    # After
    get "/users", to: "users#index"
    get "/other_path", to: "users#index"

    Gannon McGibbon

  • Make http_cache_forever use immutable: true

    Nate Matykiewicz

  • Add config.action_dispatch.strict_freshness.

    When set to true, the ETag header takes precedence over the Last-Modified header when both are present,
    as specified by RFC 7232, Section 6.

    Defaults to false to maintain compatibility with previous versions of Rails, but is enabled as part of
    Rails 8.0 defaults.


  • Support immutable directive in Cache-Control

    expires_in 1.minute, public: true, immutable: true
    # Cache-Control: public, max-age=60, immutable


  • Add :wasm_unsafe_eval mapping for content_security_policy

    # Before
    policy.script_src "'wasm-unsafe-eval'"
    # After
    policy.script_src :wasm_unsafe_eval

    Joe Haig

  • Add display_capture and keyboard_map in permissions_policy

    Cyril Blaecke

  • Add connect route helper.

    Samuel Williams

Please check 7-2-stable for previous changes.