module ActionView::Helpers::FormHelper

def rich_textarea(object_name, method, options = {})

rich_textarea :message, :content, value: "

Default message


rich_textarea :message, :content
#### Example

`rails_service_blob_url(":signed_id", ":filename")`.
* `[:data][:blob_url_template]` - Defaults to
* `[:data][:direct_upload_url]` - Defaults to `rails_direct_uploads_url`.
* `:value` - Adds a default value to the HTML input tag.
* `:class` - Defaults to "trix-content" which ensures default styling is
#### Options

be sent on form submissions.
well as a hidden field that Trix will write to on changes, so the content will
Returns a `trix-editor` tag that instantiates the Trix JavaScript editor as
def rich_textarea(object_name, method, options = {}), method, self, options).render