class ActiveJob::Base
SerializationError - Error class for serialization errors.
* DeserializationError - Error class for deserialization errors.
== Exceptions
A job can also be processed immediately without sending to the queue:
More information can be found in ActiveJob::Core::ClassMethods#set
ProcessPhotoJob.set(wait_until: Date.tomorrow.noon).perform_later(photo)
To enqueue a job to be processed at some point in the future:
To enqueue a job to be performed as soon as the queuing system is free:
ID. More information can be found in Arguments.
Records that are passed in are serialized/deserialized using Global
photo.resize_to_fit!(300, 300)
def perform(photo)
class ProcessPhotoJob < ActiveJob::Base
To define an Active Job object:
implement is the “perform” method.
from the ActiveJob::Base class. The only necessary method to
Active Job objects can be defined by creating a class that inherits
A list of supported adapters can be found in QueueAdapters.
ActiveJob::Base.queue_adapter = :inline
queuing frameworks. To specify a queue adapter to use:
Active Job objects can be configured to work with different backend
= Active Job