module ActiveJob::Enqueuing
def enqueue(options = {})
my_job_instance.enqueue wait_until: Date.tomorrow.midnight
my_job_instance.enqueue queue: :important
my_job_instance.enqueue wait: 5.minutes
==== Examples
* :priority - Enqueues the job with the specified priority
* :queue - Enqueues the job on the specified queue
* :wait_until - Enqueues the job at the time specified
* :wait - Enqueues the job with the specified delay
==== Options
Enqueues the job to be performed by the queue adapter.
def enqueue(options = {}) set(options) self.successfully_enqueued = false run_callbacks :enqueue do if scheduled_at queue_adapter.enqueue_at self, scheduled_at else queue_adapter.enqueue self end self.successfully_enqueued = true rescue EnqueueError => e self.enqueue_error = e end if successfully_enqueued? self else false end end