class ActiveModel::LazyAttributeSet

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

# sig/active_model/attribute_set/builder.rbs

class ActiveModel::LazyAttributeSet < ActiveModel::AttributeSet
  type ActiveModel__LazyAttributeSet_default_attribute_value = nil | Integer | String | false | Time
  def default_attribute: (String name, ?bool value_present, ?ActiveModel__LazyAttributeSet_default_attribute_value value) -> (ActiveModel::Attribute::FromDatabase | ActiveModel::Attribute::WithCastValue)
  type ActiveModel__LazyAttributeSet_fetch_value_return_value = String | Integer | nil | Date | true
  def fetch_value: (String name, ) -> ActiveModel__LazyAttributeSet_fetch_value_return_value
  def initialize: (Hash values, Hash types, Hash additional_types, Hash default_attributes, ?Hash attributes, Hash attributes) -> void
  def key?: (String name) -> bool


def attributes

def attributes
  unless @materialized
    values.each_key { |key| self[key] }
    types.each_key { |key| self[key] }
    @materialized = true

def default_attribute(

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

type ActiveModel__LazyAttributeSet_default_attribute_value = nil | Integer | String | false | Time

def default_attribute: (String name, ?bool value_present, ?ActiveModel__LazyAttributeSet_default_attribute_value value) -> (ActiveModel::Attribute::FromDatabase | ActiveModel::Attribute::WithCastValue)

This signature was generated using 16 samples from 1 application.

def default_attribute(
  value_present = true,
  value = values.fetch(name) { value_present = false }
  type = additional_types.fetch(name, types[name])
  if value_present
    @attributes[name] = Attribute.from_database(name, value, type, @casted_values[name])
  elsif types.key?(name)
    if attr = default_attributes[name]
      @attributes[name] = attr.dup
      @attributes[name] = Attribute.uninitialized(name, type)

def fetch_value(name, &block)

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

type ActiveModel__LazyAttributeSet_fetch_value_return_value = String | Integer | nil | Date | true

def fetch_value: (String name, ) -> ActiveModel__LazyAttributeSet_fetch_value_return_value

This signature was generated using 325 samples from 2 applications.

def fetch_value(name, &block)
  if attr = @attributes[name]
    return attr.value(&block)
  @casted_values.fetch(name) do
    value_present = true
    value = values.fetch(name) { value_present = false }
    if value_present
      type = additional_types.fetch(name, types[name])
      @casted_values[name] = type.deserialize(value)
      attr = default_attribute(name, value_present, value)

def initialize(values, types, additional_types, default_attributes, attributes = {})

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

type ActiveModel__LazyAttributeSet_initialize_values = id | Integer | gem_name | String | gem_version | String | receiver | String | method_name | String | location | String | type_fusion_version | String | application_name | String | source_ip | String | parameters | String | created_at | Time | updated_at | Time | return_value | String | id | Integer | user_id | Integer | choice_id | Integer | id | Integer | gem_name | String | gem_version | String | receiver | String | method_name | String | location | String | type_fusion_version | String | application_name | String | source_ip | String | parameters | String | created_at | Time | updated_at | Time | return_value | NilClass | id | Integer | zip_code | String | longitude | Float | latitude | Float | state | String | city | NilClass | street | NilClass | raw_input | NilClass | msa_id | NilClass | csa_id | NilClass | metropolitan_division_id | NilClass | id | Integer | choice | String | number | Integer | id | Integer | company_name | String | job_title | String | start_date | String | end_date | NilClass | user_id | Integer | description | String | location | String | id | Integer | company_name | String | job_title | String | start_date | String | end_date | String | user_id | Integer | description | String | location | String
type ActiveModel__LazyAttributeSet_initialize_types = id | ActiveModel::Type::Integer | gem_name | ActiveModel::Type::String | gem_version | ActiveModel::Type::String | receiver | ActiveModel::Type::String | method_name | ActiveModel::Type::String | location | ActiveModel::Type::String | type_fusion_version | ActiveModel::Type::String | application_name | ActiveModel::Type::String | source_ip | ActiveModel::Type::String | parameters | ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQL::OID::Jsonb | created_at | ActiveRecord::AttributeMethods::TimeZoneConversion::TimeZoneConverter | updated_at | ActiveRecord::AttributeMethods::TimeZoneConversion::TimeZoneConverter | return_value | ActiveModel::Type::String | id | ActiveModel::Type::Integer | user_id | ActiveModel::Type::Integer | choice_id | ActiveModel::Type::Integer | id | ActiveModel::Type::Integer | zip_code | ActiveModel::Type::String | longitude | ActiveModel::Type::Float | latitude | ActiveModel::Type::Float | state | ActiveModel::Type::String | city | ActiveModel::Type::String | street | ActiveModel::Type::String | raw_input | ActiveModel::Type::String | msa_id | ActiveModel::Type::Integer | csa_id | ActiveModel::Type::Integer | metropolitan_division_id | ActiveModel::Type::Integer | id | ActiveModel::Type::Integer | choice | ActiveModel::Type::String | number | ActiveModel::Type::Integer | id | ActiveModel::Type::Integer | company_name | ActiveModel::Type::String | job_title | ActiveModel::Type::String | start_date | ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQL::OID::Date | end_date | ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQL::OID::Date | user_id | ActiveModel::Type::Integer | description | ActiveModel::Type::String | location | ActiveModel::Type::String
type ActiveModel__LazyAttributeSet_initialize_additional_types = 0 | ActiveModel::Type::Integer | 1 | ActiveModel::Type::String | 2 | ActiveModel::Type::String | 3 | ActiveModel::Type::String | 4 | ActiveModel::Type::String | 5 | ActiveModel::Type::String | 6 | ActiveModel::Type::String | 7 | ActiveModel::Type::String | 8 | ActiveModel::Type::String | 9 | ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQL::OID::Jsonb | 10 | ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQL::OID::Timestamp | 11 | ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQL::OID::Timestamp | 12 | ActiveModel::Type::String | 0 | ActiveModel::Type::Integer | 1 | ActiveModel::Type::Integer | 2 | ActiveModel::Type::Integer | 0 | ActiveModel::Type::Integer | 1 | ActiveModel::Type::String | 2 | ActiveModel::Type::Float | 3 | ActiveModel::Type::Float | 4 | ActiveModel::Type::String | 5 | ActiveModel::Type::String | 6 | ActiveModel::Type::String | 7 | ActiveModel::Type::String | 8 | ActiveModel::Type::Integer | 9 | ActiveModel::Type::Integer | 10 | ActiveModel::Type::Integer | 0 | ActiveModel::Type::Integer | 1 | ActiveModel::Type::String | 2 | ActiveModel::Type::Integer | 0 | ActiveModel::Type::Integer | 1 | ActiveModel::Type::String | 2 | ActiveModel::Type::String | 3 | ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQL::OID::Date | 4 | ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQL::OID::Date | 5 | ActiveModel::Type::Integer | 6 | ActiveModel::Type::String | 7 | ActiveModel::Type::String

def initialize: (ActiveModel__LazyAttributeSet_initialize_values values, ActiveModel__LazyAttributeSet_initialize_types types, ActiveModel__LazyAttributeSet_initialize_additional_types additional_types, id | ActiveModel::Attribute::FromDatabase default_attributes, ? attributes,  attributes) -> void

This signature was generated using 22 samples from 2 applications.

def initialize(values, types, additional_types, default_attributes, attributes = {})
  @values = values
  @types = types
  @additional_types = additional_types
  @default_attributes = default_attributes
  @casted_values = {}
  @materialized = false

def key?(name)

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

def key?: (String name) -> bool

This signature was generated using 13 samples from 1 application.

def key?(name)
  (values.key?(name) || types.key?(name) || @attributes.key?(name)) && self[name].initialized?

def keys

def keys
  keys = values.keys | types.keys | @attributes.keys
  keys.keep_if { |name| self[name].initialized? }