class ActiveRecord::Validations::UniquenessValidator
def build_relation(klass, attribute, value)
def build_relation(klass, attribute, value) relation = klass.unscoped comparison = relation.bind_attribute(attribute, value) do |attr, bind| return relation.none! if bind.unboundable? if !options.key?(:case_sensitive) || bind.nil? klass.connection.default_uniqueness_comparison(attr, bind) elsif options[:case_sensitive] klass.connection.case_sensitive_comparison(attr, bind) else # will use SQL LOWER function before comparison, unless it detects a case insensitive collation klass.connection.case_insensitive_comparison(attr, bind) end end relation.where!(comparison) end
def find_finder_class_for(record)
their subclasses, we have to build the hierarchy between self and
(self), to the first non-abstract class. Since classes don't know
isn't abstract. This means working down from the current class
The check for an existing value should be run from a class that
def find_finder_class_for(record) class_hierarchy = [record.class] while class_hierarchy.first != @klass class_hierarchy.unshift(class_hierarchy.first.superclass) end class_hierarchy.detect { |klass| !klass.abstract_class? } end
def initialize(options)
def initialize(options) if options[:conditions] && !options[:conditions].respond_to?(:call) raise ArgumentError, "#{options[:conditions]} was passed as :conditions but is not callable. " \ "Pass a callable instead: `conditions: -> { where(approved: true) }`" end unless Array(options[:scope]).all? { |scope| scope.respond_to?(:to_sym) } raise ArgumentError, "#{options[:scope]} is not supported format for :scope option. " \ "Pass a symbol or an array of symbols instead: `scope: :user_id`" end super @klass = options[:class] end
def map_enum_attribute(klass, attribute, value)
def map_enum_attribute(klass, attribute, value) mapping = klass.defined_enums[attribute.to_s] value = mapping[value] if value && mapping value end
def scope_relation(record, relation)
def scope_relation(record, relation) Array(options[:scope]).each do |scope_item| scope_value = if record.class._reflect_on_association(scope_item) record.association(scope_item).reader else record.read_attribute(scope_item) end relation = relation.where(scope_item => scope_value) end relation end
def validate_each(record, attribute, value)
def validate_each(record, attribute, value) finder_class = find_finder_class_for(record) value = map_enum_attribute(finder_class, attribute, value) relation = build_relation(finder_class, attribute, value) if record.persisted? if finder_class.primary_key relation = relation.where.not(finder_class.primary_key => record.id_in_database) else raise, "Cannot validate uniqueness for persisted record without primary key.") end end relation = scope_relation(record, relation) if options[:conditions] conditions = options[:conditions] relation = if relation.instance_exec(&conditions) else relation.instance_exec(record, &conditions) end end if relation.exists? error_options = options.except(:case_sensitive, :scope, :conditions) error_options[:value] = value record.errors.add(attribute, :taken, **error_options) end end