class ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer
Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion
# sig/active_support/core_ext/string/output_safety.rbs class ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer < ActiveSupport::String def html_safe?: () -> untyped def initialize: (?(ActionView::OutputBuffer | String) str) -> void def to_s: () -> untyped end
def %(args)
def %(args) case args when Hash escaped_args = args.transform_values { |arg| explicit_html_escape_interpolated_argument(arg) } else escaped_args = Array(args).map { |arg| explicit_html_escape_interpolated_argument(arg) } end end
def *(*)
def *(*) new_string = super new_safe_buffer = new_string.is_a?(SafeBuffer) ? new_string : new_safe_buffer.instance_variable_set(:@html_safe, @html_safe) new_safe_buffer end
def +(other)
def +(other) dup.concat(other) end
def [](*args)
def [](*args) if html_safe? new_string = super return unless new_string new_safe_buffer = new_string.is_a?(SafeBuffer) ? new_string : new_safe_buffer.instance_variable_set :@html_safe, true new_safe_buffer else to_str[*args] end end
def []=(*args)
def []=(*args) if args.length == 3 super(args[0], args[1], implicit_html_escape_interpolated_argument(args[2])) else super(args[0], implicit_html_escape_interpolated_argument(args[1])) end end
def bytesplice(*args, value)
def bytesplice(*args, value) super(*args, implicit_html_escape_interpolated_argument(value)) end
def clone_empty
def clone_empty self[0, 0] end
def concat(value)
def concat(value) unless value.nil? super(implicit_html_escape_interpolated_argument(value)) end self end
def encode_with(coder)
def encode_with(coder) coder.represent_object nil, to_str end
def explicit_html_escape_interpolated_argument(arg)
def explicit_html_escape_interpolated_argument(arg) (!html_safe? || arg.html_safe?) ? arg : CGI.escapeHTML(arg.to_s) end
def html_safe?
Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion
def html_safe?: () -> untyped
This signature was generated using 3 samples from 1 application.
def html_safe? defined?(@html_safe) && @html_safe end
def implicit_html_escape_interpolated_argument(arg)
def implicit_html_escape_interpolated_argument(arg) if !html_safe? || arg.html_safe? arg else arg_string = begin arg.to_str rescue NoMethodError => error if == :to_str str = arg.to_s ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn <<~MSG.squish Implicit conversion of #{arg.class} into String by ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer is deprecated and will be removed in Rails 7.1. You must explicitly cast it to a String. MSG str else raise end end CGI.escapeHTML(arg_string) end end
def initialize(str = "")
Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion
def initialize: (?(ActionView::OutputBuffer | String) str) -> void
This signature was generated using 5 samples from 1 application.
def initialize(str = "") @html_safe = true super end
def initialize_copy(other)
def initialize_copy(other) super @html_safe = other.html_safe? end
def insert(index, value)
def insert(index, value) super(index, implicit_html_escape_interpolated_argument(value)) end
def prepend(value)
def prepend(value) super(implicit_html_escape_interpolated_argument(value)) end
def replace(value)
def replace(value) super(implicit_html_escape_interpolated_argument(value)) end
def safe_concat(value)
def safe_concat(value) raise SafeConcatError unless html_safe? original_concat(value) end
def set_block_back_references(block, match_data)
def set_block_back_references(block, match_data) block.binding.eval("proc { |m| $~ = m }").call(match_data) rescue ArgumentError # Can't create binding from C level Proc end
def to_param
def to_param to_str end
def to_s
Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion
def to_s: () -> untyped
This signature was generated using 2 samples from 1 application.
def to_s self end