class ActiveSupport::Notifications::Instrumenter

def instrument(name, payload = {})

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

def instrument: (String name, ?Hash payload) -> (ActionView::AbstractRenderer::RenderedTemplate | PG::Result | ActionView::OutputBuffer)

This signature was generated using 60 samples from 2 applications.

passed-in block.
notifier. Notice that events get sent even if an error occurs in the
and publish it. Without a block, simply send a message via the
Given a block, instrument it by measuring the time taken to execute
def instrument(name, payload = {})
  # some of the listeners might have state
  listeners_state = start name, payload
    yield payload if block_given?
  rescue Exception => e
    payload[:exception] = [, e.message]
    payload[:exception_object] = e
    raise e
    finish_with_state listeners_state, name, payload