class ActiveSupport::FileUpdateChecker

def max_mtime(paths)

Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion project).

def max_mtime: (Array[String] paths) -> Time

This signature was generated using 1 sample from 1 application.

reloading is not triggered.
healthy to consider this edge case because with mtimes in the future
can happen for example if the user changes the clock by hand. It is
Files with a mtime in the future are ignored. Such abnormal situation

if the array is empty.
This method returns the maximum mtime of the files in +paths+, or +nil+
def max_mtime(paths)
  time_now =
  max_mtime = nil
  # Time comparisons are performed with #compare_without_coercion because
  # AS redefines these operators in a way that is much slower and does not
  # bring any benefit in this particular code.
  # Read t1.compare_without_coercion(t2) < 0 as t1 < t2.
  paths.each do |path|
    mtime = File.mtime(path)
    next if time_now.compare_without_coercion(mtime) < 0
    if max_mtime.nil? || max_mtime.compare_without_coercion(mtime) < 0
      max_mtime = mtime