class Airbrake::Config
rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength
@since v1.0.0
@api public
can use to configure an Airbrake instance.
Represents the Airbrake config. A config contains all the options that you
def blacklist_keys=(keys)
def blacklist_keys=(keys) loc = caller_locations(1..1).first Kernel.warn( "#{loc.path}:#{loc.lineno}: warning: blacklist_keys= is deprecated " \ "use blocklist_keys= instead", ) self.blocklist_keys = keys end
def check_configuration
- resolved promise if config is valid & can notify,
def check_configuration promise = validate return promise if promise.rejected? check_notify_ability end
def check_notify_ability
- See: Validator.check_notify_ability -
def check_notify_ability Validator.check_notify_ability(self) end
def check_performance_options(resource)
- resolved promise if neither of the performance options
def check_performance_options(resource) promise = if !performance_stats promise.reject("The Performance Stats feature is disabled") elsif resource.is_a?(Airbrake::Query) && !query_stats promise.reject("The Query Stats feature is disabled") elsif resource.is_a?(Airbrake::Queue) && !job_stats promise.reject("The Job Stats feature is disabled") else promise end end
def error_endpoint
- the endpoint address
def error_endpoint @error_endpoint ||= begin self.error_host = ('https://' << error_host) if error_host !~ %r{\Ahttps?://} api = "api/v3/projects/#{project_id}/notices" URI.join(error_host, api) end end
def ignored_environment?
- true if the config ignores current environment, false
def ignored_environment? check_notify_ability.rejected? end
def initialize(user_config = {})
) -- the hash to be used to build the
def initialize(user_config = {}) self.proxy = {} self.queue_size = 100 self.workers = 1 self.code_hunks = true self.logger = { |l| l.level = Logger::WARN } self.project_id = user_config[:project_id] self.project_key = user_config[:project_key] self.error_host = '' self.apm_host = '' self.ignore_environments = [] self.timeout = user_config[:timeout] self.blocklist_keys = [] self.allowlist_keys = [] self.root_directory = File.realpath( (defined?(Bundler) && Bundler.root) || Dir.pwd, ) self.versions = {} self.performance_stats = true self.performance_stats_flush_period = 15 self.query_stats = true self.job_stats = true self.error_notifications = true self.__remote_configuration = false merge(user_config) end
def instance
def instance @instance ||= new end
def logger=(logger)
- the logger
def logger=(logger) @logger = logger || @logger end
def merge(config_hash)
- the merged config
def merge(config_hash) config_hash.each_pair { |option, value| set_option(option, value) } self end
def set_option(option, value)
def set_option(option, value) __send__("#{option}=", value) rescue NoMethodError raise Airbrake::Error, "unknown option '#{option}'" end
def valid?
- true if the config meets the requirements, false
def valid? validate.resolved? end
def validate
- See: Validator.validate -
def validate Validator.validate(self) end
def whitelist_keys=(keys)
def whitelist_keys=(keys) loc = caller_locations(1..1).first Kernel.warn( "#{loc.path}:#{loc.lineno}: warning: whitelist_keys= is deprecated " \ "use allowlist_keys= instead", ) self.allowlist_keys = keys end