module Ammeter::RSpec::Rails::GeneratorExampleHelpers

def set_shell_prompt_responses(generator, command_args={})

would respond with true to the first yes? call, but false to the second
ex. set_shell_prompt_responses(generator, { yes?: [true, false] })

This will allow for different return values upon each call.
The values for each element in the hash can be set as an array as well.
Hash { command_name: input_value, ask: "Testing", yes?: true }
Generator w/ @shell attribute
===== Parameters =====

Does this by mocking return values using RSpec's `and_return` method
Sets return values for basic shell commands (ex. ask, yes?, no?).
def set_shell_prompt_responses(generator, command_args={})
  command_args.each do |k,v|
    allow( receive(k.to_sym).and_return(*v)