class Aruba::Processes::ProcessRunner
Wrapper around Process.spawn that broadly follows the ChildProcess interface
def exit_code
def exit_code @exit_status&.exitstatus end
def exited?
def exited? return true if @exit_status pid, status = Process.waitpid2 @pid, Process::WNOHANG | Process::WUNTRACED if pid @exit_status = status return true end false end
def initialize(command_array)
def initialize(command_array) @command_array = command_array @exit_status = nil end
def poll_for_exit(exit_timeout)
def poll_for_exit(exit_timeout) start = wait_until = start + exit_timeout loop do return true if exited? break if >= wait_until sleep 0.1 end false end
def send_signal(signal)
def send_signal(signal) Process.kill signal, @pid end
def start
def start @stdin_r, @stdin_w = IO.pipe @pid = Process.spawn(environment, *command_array, unsetenv_others: true, in: @stdin_r, out: stdout.fileno, err: stderr.fileno, close_others: true, chdir: cwd) end
def stdin
def stdin @stdin_w end
def stop
def stop return if @exit_status if Aruba.platform.term_signal_supported? send_signal "TERM" return if poll_for_exit(3) end send_signal "KILL" wait end
def wait
def wait _, status = Process.waitpid2 @pid @exit_status = status end