class Async::HTTP::Server

def accept(peer, address, task: Task.current)

def accept(peer, address, task: Task.current)
	peer.setsockopt(Socket::IPPROTO_TCP, Socket::TCP_NODELAY, 1)
	stream =
	protocol = @protocol.server(stream)
	Async.logger.debug(self) {"Incoming connnection from #{address.inspect} to #{protocol}"}
	protocol.each do |request|
		# We set the default scheme unless it was otherwise specified.
		request.scheme ||= self.scheme
		# This is a slight optimization to avoid having to get the address from the socket.
		request.remote_address = address
		# Async.logger.debug(self) {"Incoming request from #{address.inspect}: #{request.method} #{request.path}"}
		# If this returns nil, we assume that the connection has been hijacked.
rescue EOFError, Errno::ECONNRESET, Errno::EPIPE, Errno::EPROTOTYPE
	# Sometimes client will disconnect without completing a result or reading the entire buffer. That means we are done.
	# Errno::EPROTOTYPE is a bug with Darwin. It happens because the socket is lazily created (in Darwin).