class Async::HTTP::Protocol::HTTP1::Server
def each(task: Task.current)
def each(task: Task.current) while request = next_request response = yield(request, self) return if @stream.nil? or @stream.closed? if response # Try to avoid holding on to request, to minimse GC overhead: head = request.head? unless request.body? # If there is no body, #finish is a no-op. request = nil end write_response(@version, response.status, response.headers) if body = response.body and protocol = response.protocol stream = write_upgrade_body(protocol) # At this point, the request body is hijacked, so we don't want to call #finish below. request = nil else write_body(@version, body, head) end else # If the request failed to generate a response, it was an internal server error: write_response(@version, 500, {}) write_body(@version, nil) end # Gracefully finish reading the request body if it was not already done so. request&.finish # This ensures we yield at least once every iteration of the loop and allow other fibers to execute. task.yield end end