class Async::List::Iterator
def self.each(list, &block)
def self.each(list, &block) return if list.empty? iterator = iterator.each(&block) ensure iterator&.remove! end
def each
def each while current = move_current yield current if current.equal?(@tail) move_next end end end
def initialize(list)
def initialize(list) @list = list # Insert the iterator as the first item in the list: @tail = list.tail @tail.head = self list.tail = self @head = list end
def move_current
def move_current while true # Are we at the end of the list? if @tail.equal?(@list) return nil end if @tail.is_a?(Iterator) move_next else return @tail end end end
def move_next
def move_next # Move to the next item (which could be an iterator or the end): @tail.head = @head @head.tail = @tail @head = @tail @tail = @tail.tail @head.tail = self @tail.head = self end
def remove!
def remove! @head.tail = @tail @tail.head = @head @head = nil @tail = nil @list = nil end