class Async::Idler

def async(*arguments, parent: (@parent or Task.current), **options, &block)

@yields {|task| ...} When the system is idle, the block will be executed in a new task.
@parameter options [Hash] The options to pass to the task.
@parameter parent [Interface(:async) | Nil] The parent task to use for async operations.
@parameter arguments [Array] The arguments to pass to the block.

@asynchronous Executes the given block concurrently.

Wait until the system is idle, then execute the given block in a new task.
def async(*arguments, parent: (@parent or Task.current), **options, &block)
	# It is crucial that we optimistically execute the child task, so that we prevent a tight loop invoking this method from consuming all available resources.
	parent.async(*arguments, **options, &block)