class Aws::Partitions::EndpointProvider

def resolve(region, service, sts_regional_endpoints, variants)

Other tags:
    Api: - private Use the static class methods instead.

Options Hash: (**variants)
  • :fips (Boolean) -- When true, resolve a FIPS endpoint.
  • :dualstack (Boolean) -- When true, resolve a dualstack

  • variants (Hash) -- Endpoint variants such as 'fips' or 'dualstack'
  • sts_regional_endpoints (String) -- [STS only] Whether to use
  • service (String) -- The endpoint prefix for the service, e.g.
  • region (String) -- The region for the client.
def resolve(region, service, sts_regional_endpoints, variants)
  'https://' + endpoint_for(region, service, build_is_global_fn(sts_regional_endpoints), variants)