# frozen_string_literal: true
require_relative 'aws-partitions/endpoint_provider'
require_relative 'aws-partitions/partition'
require_relative 'aws-partitions/partition_list'
require_relative 'aws-partitions/region'
require_relative 'aws-partitions/service'
require 'json'
module Aws
# A {Partition} is a group of AWS {Region} and {Service} objects. You
# can use a partition to determine what services are available in a region,
# or what regions a service is available in.
# ## Partitions
# **AWS accounts are scoped to a single partition**. You can get a partition
# by name. Valid partition names include:
# * `"aws"` - Public AWS partition
# * `"aws-cn"` - AWS China
# * `"aws-us-gov"` - AWS GovCloud
# To get a partition by name:
# aws = Aws::Partitions.partition('aws')
# You can also enumerate all partitions:
# Aws::Partitions.each do |partition|
# puts partition.name
# end
# ## Regions
# A {Partition} is divided up into one or more regions. For example, the
# "aws" partition contains, "us-east-1", "us-west-1", etc. You can get
# a region by name. Calling {Partition#region} will return an instance
# of {Region}.
# region = Aws::Partitions.partition('aws').region('us-west-2')
# region.name
# #=> "us-west-2"
# You can also enumerate all regions within a partition:
# Aws::Partitions.partition('aws').regions.each do |region|
# puts region.name
# end
# Each {Region} object has a name, description and a list of services
# available to that region:
# us_west_2 = Aws::Partitions.partition('aws').region('us-west-2')
# us_west_2.name #=> "us-west-2"
# us_west_2.description #=> "US West (Oregon)"
# us_west_2.partition_name "aws"
# us_west_2.services #=> #<Set: {"APIGateway", "AutoScaling", ... }
# To know if a service is available within a region, you can call `#include?`
# on the set of service names:
# region.services.include?('DynamoDB') #=> true/false
# The service name should be the service's module name as used by
# the AWS SDK for Ruby. To find the complete list of supported
# service names, see {Partition#services}.
# Its also possible to enumerate every service for every region in
# every partition.
# Aws::Partitions.partitions.each do |partition|
# partition.regions.each do |region|
# region.services.each do |service_name|
# puts "#{partition.name} -> #{region.name} -> #{service_name}"
# end
# end
# end
# ## Services
# A {Partition} has a list of services available. You can get a
# single {Service} by name:
# Aws::Partitions.partition('aws').service('DynamoDB')
# You can also enumerate all services in a partition:
# Aws::Partitions.partition('aws').services.each do |service|
# puts service.name
# end
# Each {Service} object has a name, and information about regions
# that service is available in.
# service.name #=> "DynamoDB"
# service.partition_name #=> "aws"
# service.regions #=> #<Set: {"us-east-1", "us-west-1", ... }
# Some services have multiple regions, and others have a single partition
# wide region. For example, {Aws::IAM} has a single region in the "aws"
# partition. The {Service#regionalized?} method indicates when this is
# the case.
# iam = Aws::Partitions.partition('aws').service('IAM')
# iam.regionalized? #=> false
# service.partition_region #=> "aws-global"
# Its also possible to enumerate every region for every service in
# every partition.
# Aws::Partitions.partitions.each do |partition|
# partition.services.each do |service|
# service.regions.each do |region_name|
# puts "#{partition.name} -> #{region_name} -> #{service.name}"
# end
# end
# end
# ## Service Names
# {Service} names are those used by the the AWS SDK for Ruby. They
# correspond to the service's module.
module Partitions
class << self
include Enumerable
# @return [Enumerable<Partition>]
def each(&block)
# Return the partition with the given name. A partition describes
# the services and regions available in that partition.
# aws = Aws::Partitions.partition('aws')
# puts "Regions available in the aws partition:\n"
# aws.regions.each do |region|
# puts region.name
# end
# puts "Services available in the aws partition:\n"
# aws.services.each do |services|
# puts services.name
# end
# @param [String] name The name of the partition to return.
# Valid names include "aws", "aws-cn", and "aws-us-gov".
# @return [Partition]
# @raise [ArgumentError] Raises an `ArgumentError` if a partition is
# not found with the given name. The error message contains a list
# of valid partition names.
def partition(name)
# Returns an array with every partitions. A partition describes
# the services and regions available in that partition.
# Aws::Partitions.partitions.each do |partition|
# puts "Regions available in #{partition.name}:\n"
# partition.regions.each do |region|
# puts region.name
# end
# puts "Services available in #{partition.name}:\n"
# partition.services.each do |service|
# puts service.name
# end
# end
# @return [Enumerable<Partition>] Returns an enumerable of all
# known partitions.
def partitions
# @param [Hash] new_partitions
# @api private For internal use only.
def add(new_partitions)
new_partitions['partitions'].each do |partition|
defaults['partitions'] << partition
# @param [Hash] partition_metadata
# @api private For Internal use only
def merge_metadata(partition_metadata)
# @api private For internal use only.
def clear
# @return [PartitionList]
# @api private
def default_partition_list
@default_partition_list ||= begin
partitions = PartitionList.build(defaults)
# @return [Hash]
# @api private
def defaults
@defaults ||= begin
path = File.expand_path('../../partitions.json', __FILE__)
defaults = JSON.parse(File.read(path), freeze: true)
defaults.merge('partitions' => defaults['partitions'].dup)
# @return [Hash]
# @api private
def default_metadata
@default_metadata ||= begin
path = File.expand_path('../../partitions-metadata.json', __FILE__)
defaults = JSON.parse(File.read(path), freeze: true)
defaults.merge('partitions' => defaults['partitions'].dup)
# @return [Hash<String,String>] Returns a map of service module names
# to their id as used in the endpoints.json document.
# @api private For internal use only.
def service_ids
@service_ids ||= begin
# service ids
'ACM' => 'acm',
'ACMPCA' => 'acm-pca',
'APIGateway' => 'apigateway',
'ARCZonalShift' => 'arc-zonal-shift',
'AccessAnalyzer' => 'access-analyzer',
'Account' => 'account',
'AlexaForBusiness' => 'a4b',
'Amplify' => 'amplify',
'AmplifyBackend' => 'amplifybackend',
'AmplifyUIBuilder' => 'amplifyuibuilder',
'ApiGatewayManagementApi' => 'execute-api',
'ApiGatewayV2' => 'apigateway',
'AppConfig' => 'appconfig',
'AppConfigData' => 'appconfigdata',
'AppFabric' => 'appfabric',
'AppIntegrationsService' => 'app-integrations',
'AppMesh' => 'appmesh',
'AppRegistry' => 'servicecatalog-appregistry',
'AppRunner' => 'apprunner',
'AppStream' => 'appstream2',
'AppSync' => 'appsync',
'Appflow' => 'appflow',
'ApplicationAutoScaling' => 'application-autoscaling',
'ApplicationCostProfiler' => 'application-cost-profiler',
'ApplicationDiscoveryService' => 'discovery',
'ApplicationInsights' => 'applicationinsights',
'Artifact' => 'artifact',
'Athena' => 'athena',
'AuditManager' => 'auditmanager',
'AugmentedAIRuntime' => 'a2i-runtime.sagemaker',
'AutoScaling' => 'autoscaling',
'AutoScalingPlans' => 'autoscaling-plans',
'B2bi' => 'b2bi',
'BCMDataExports' => 'bcm-data-exports',
'Backup' => 'backup',
'BackupGateway' => 'backup-gateway',
'BackupStorage' => 'backupstorage',
'Batch' => 'batch',
'Bedrock' => 'bedrock',
'BedrockAgent' => 'bedrock-agent',
'BedrockAgentRuntime' => 'bedrock-agent-runtime',
'BedrockRuntime' => 'bedrock-runtime',
'BillingConductor' => 'billingconductor',
'Braket' => 'braket',
'Budgets' => 'budgets',
'Chatbot' => 'chatbot',
'Chime' => 'chime',
'ChimeSDKIdentity' => 'identity-chime',
'ChimeSDKMediaPipelines' => 'media-pipelines-chime',
'ChimeSDKMeetings' => 'meetings-chime',
'ChimeSDKMessaging' => 'messaging-chime',
'ChimeSDKVoice' => 'voice-chime',
'CleanRooms' => 'cleanrooms',
'CleanRoomsML' => 'cleanrooms-ml',
'Cloud9' => 'cloud9',
'CloudControlApi' => 'cloudcontrolapi',
'CloudDirectory' => 'clouddirectory',
'CloudFormation' => 'cloudformation',
'CloudFront' => 'cloudfront',
'CloudFrontKeyValueStore' => 'cloudfront-keyvaluestore',
'CloudHSM' => 'cloudhsm',
'CloudHSMV2' => 'cloudhsmv2',
'CloudSearch' => 'cloudsearch',
'CloudTrail' => 'cloudtrail',
'CloudTrailData' => 'cloudtrail-data',
'CloudWatch' => 'monitoring',
'CloudWatchEvents' => 'events',
'CloudWatchEvidently' => 'evidently',
'CloudWatchLogs' => 'logs',
'CloudWatchRUM' => 'rum',
'CodeArtifact' => 'codeartifact',
'CodeBuild' => 'codebuild',
'CodeCatalyst' => 'codecatalyst',
'CodeCommit' => 'codecommit',
'CodeConnections' => 'codeconnections',
'CodeDeploy' => 'codedeploy',
'CodeGuruProfiler' => 'codeguru-profiler',
'CodeGuruReviewer' => 'codeguru-reviewer',
'CodeGuruSecurity' => 'codeguru-security',
'CodePipeline' => 'codepipeline',
'CodeStar' => 'codestar',
'CodeStarNotifications' => 'codestar-notifications',
'CodeStarconnections' => 'codestar-connections',
'CognitoIdentity' => 'cognito-identity',
'CognitoIdentityProvider' => 'cognito-idp',
'CognitoSync' => 'cognito-sync',
'Comprehend' => 'comprehend',
'ComprehendMedical' => 'comprehendmedical',
'ComputeOptimizer' => 'compute-optimizer',
'ConfigService' => 'config',
'Connect' => 'connect',
'ConnectCampaignService' => 'connect-campaigns',
'ConnectCases' => 'cases',
'ConnectContactLens' => 'contact-lens',
'ConnectParticipant' => 'participant.connect',
'ConnectWisdomService' => 'wisdom',
'ControlCatalog' => 'controlcatalog',
'ControlTower' => 'controltower',
'CostExplorer' => 'ce',
'CostOptimizationHub' => 'cost-optimization-hub',
'CostandUsageReportService' => 'cur',
'CustomerProfiles' => 'profile',
'DAX' => 'dax',
'DLM' => 'dlm',
'DataExchange' => 'dataexchange',
'DataPipeline' => 'datapipeline',
'DataSync' => 'datasync',
'DataZone' => 'datazone',
'DatabaseMigrationService' => 'dms',
'Deadline' => 'deadline',
'Detective' => 'api.detective',
'DevOpsGuru' => 'devops-guru',
'DeviceFarm' => 'devicefarm',
'DirectConnect' => 'directconnect',
'DirectoryService' => 'ds',
'DocDB' => 'rds',
'DocDBElastic' => 'docdb-elastic',
'Drs' => 'drs',
'DynamoDB' => 'dynamodb',
'DynamoDBStreams' => 'streams.dynamodb',
'EBS' => 'ebs',
'EC2' => 'ec2',
'EC2InstanceConnect' => 'ec2-instance-connect',
'ECR' => 'api.ecr',
'ECRPublic' => 'api.ecr-public',
'ECS' => 'ecs',
'EFS' => 'elasticfilesystem',
'EKS' => 'eks',
'EKSAuth' => 'eks-auth',
'EMR' => 'elasticmapreduce',
'EMRContainers' => 'emr-containers',
'EMRServerless' => 'emr-serverless',
'ElastiCache' => 'elasticache',
'ElasticBeanstalk' => 'elasticbeanstalk',
'ElasticInference' => 'api.elastic-inference',
'ElasticLoadBalancing' => 'elasticloadbalancing',
'ElasticLoadBalancingV2' => 'elasticloadbalancing',
'ElasticTranscoder' => 'elastictranscoder',
'ElasticsearchService' => 'es',
'EntityResolution' => 'entityresolution',
'EventBridge' => 'events',
'FIS' => 'fis',
'FMS' => 'fms',
'FSx' => 'fsx',
'FinSpaceData' => 'finspace-api',
'Finspace' => 'finspace',
'Firehose' => 'firehose',
'ForecastQueryService' => 'forecastquery',
'ForecastService' => 'forecast',
'FraudDetector' => 'frauddetector',
'FreeTier' => 'freetier',
'GameLift' => 'gamelift',
'Glacier' => 'glacier',
'GlobalAccelerator' => 'globalaccelerator',
'Glue' => 'glue',
'GlueDataBrew' => 'databrew',
'Greengrass' => 'greengrass',
'GreengrassV2' => 'greengrass',
'GroundStation' => 'groundstation',
'GuardDuty' => 'guardduty',
'Health' => 'health',
'HealthLake' => 'healthlake',
'Honeycode' => 'honeycode',
'IAM' => 'iam',
'IVS' => 'ivs',
'IVSRealTime' => 'ivsrealtime',
'IdentityStore' => 'identitystore',
'Imagebuilder' => 'imagebuilder',
'ImportExport' => 'importexport',
'Inspector' => 'inspector',
'Inspector2' => 'inspector2',
'InspectorScan' => 'inspector-scan',
'InternetMonitor' => 'internetmonitor',
'IoT' => 'iot',
'IoT1ClickDevicesService' => 'devices.iot1click',
'IoT1ClickProjects' => 'projects.iot1click',
'IoTAnalytics' => 'iotanalytics',
'IoTDeviceAdvisor' => 'api.iotdeviceadvisor',
'IoTEvents' => 'iotevents',
'IoTEventsData' => 'data.iotevents',
'IoTFleetHub' => 'api.fleethub.iot',
'IoTFleetWise' => 'iotfleetwise',
'IoTJobsDataPlane' => 'data.jobs.iot',
'IoTSecureTunneling' => 'api.tunneling.iot',
'IoTSiteWise' => 'iotsitewise',
'IoTThingsGraph' => 'iotthingsgraph',
'IoTTwinMaker' => 'iottwinmaker',
'IoTWireless' => 'api.iotwireless',
'Ivschat' => 'ivschat',
'KMS' => 'kms',
'Kafka' => 'kafka',
'KafkaConnect' => 'kafkaconnect',
'Kendra' => 'kendra',
'KendraRanking' => 'kendra-ranking',
'Keyspaces' => 'cassandra',
'Kinesis' => 'kinesis',
'KinesisAnalytics' => 'kinesisanalytics',
'KinesisAnalyticsV2' => 'kinesisanalytics',
'KinesisVideo' => 'kinesisvideo',
'KinesisVideoArchivedMedia' => 'kinesisvideo',
'KinesisVideoMedia' => 'kinesisvideo',
'KinesisVideoSignalingChannels' => 'kinesisvideo',
'KinesisVideoWebRTCStorage' => 'kinesisvideo',
'LakeFormation' => 'lakeformation',
'Lambda' => 'lambda',
'LambdaPreview' => 'lambda',
'LaunchWizard' => 'launchwizard',
'Lex' => 'runtime.lex',
'LexModelBuildingService' => 'models.lex',
'LexModelsV2' => 'models-v2-lex',
'LexRuntimeV2' => 'runtime-v2-lex',
'LicenseManager' => 'license-manager',
'LicenseManagerLinuxSubscriptions' => 'license-manager-linux-subscriptions',
'LicenseManagerUserSubscriptions' => 'license-manager-user-subscriptions',
'Lightsail' => 'lightsail',
'LocationService' => 'geo',
'LookoutEquipment' => 'lookoutequipment',
'LookoutMetrics' => 'lookoutmetrics',
'LookoutforVision' => 'lookoutvision',
'MQ' => 'mq',
'MTurk' => 'mturk-requester',
'MWAA' => 'airflow',
'MachineLearning' => 'machinelearning',
'Macie2' => 'macie2',
'MainframeModernization' => 'm2',
'ManagedBlockchain' => 'managedblockchain',
'ManagedBlockchainQuery' => 'managedblockchain-query',
'ManagedGrafana' => 'grafana',
'MarketplaceAgreement' => 'agreement-marketplace',
'MarketplaceCatalog' => 'catalog.marketplace',
'MarketplaceCommerceAnalytics' => 'marketplacecommerceanalytics',
'MarketplaceDeployment' => 'deployment-marketplace',
'MarketplaceEntitlementService' => 'entitlement.marketplace',
'MarketplaceMetering' => 'metering.marketplace',
'MediaConnect' => 'mediaconnect',
'MediaConvert' => 'mediaconvert',
'MediaLive' => 'medialive',
'MediaPackage' => 'mediapackage',
'MediaPackageV2' => 'mediapackagev2',
'MediaPackageVod' => 'mediapackage-vod',
'MediaStore' => 'mediastore',
'MediaStoreData' => 'data.mediastore',
'MediaTailor' => 'api.mediatailor',
'MedicalImaging' => 'medical-imaging',
'MemoryDB' => 'memory-db',
'Mgn' => 'mgn',
'MigrationHub' => 'mgh',
'MigrationHubConfig' => 'migrationhub-config',
'MigrationHubOrchestrator' => 'migrationhub-orchestrator',
'MigrationHubRefactorSpaces' => 'refactor-spaces',
'MigrationHubStrategyRecommendations' => 'migrationhub-strategy',
'Mobile' => 'mobile',
'Neptune' => 'rds',
'NeptuneGraph' => 'neptune-graph',
'Neptunedata' => 'neptune-db',
'NetworkFirewall' => 'network-firewall',
'NetworkManager' => 'networkmanager',
'NetworkMonitor' => 'networkmonitor',
'NimbleStudio' => 'nimble',
'OAM' => 'oam',
'OSIS' => 'osis',
'Omics' => 'omics',
'OpenSearchServerless' => 'aoss',
'OpenSearchService' => 'es',
'OpsWorks' => 'opsworks',
'OpsWorksCM' => 'opsworks-cm',
'Organizations' => 'organizations',
'Outposts' => 'outposts',
'PI' => 'pi',
'Panorama' => 'panorama',
'PaymentCryptography' => 'controlplane.payment-cryptography',
'PaymentCryptographyData' => 'dataplane.payment-cryptography',
'PcaConnectorAd' => 'pca-connector-ad',
'Personalize' => 'personalize',
'PersonalizeEvents' => 'personalize-events',
'PersonalizeRuntime' => 'personalize-runtime',
'Pinpoint' => 'pinpoint',
'PinpointEmail' => 'email',
'PinpointSMSVoice' => 'sms-voice.pinpoint',
'PinpointSMSVoiceV2' => 'sms-voice',
'Pipes' => 'pipes',
'Polly' => 'polly',
'Pricing' => 'api.pricing',
'PrivateNetworks' => 'private-networks',
'PrometheusService' => 'aps',
'Proton' => 'proton',
'QBusiness' => 'qbusiness',
'QConnect' => 'wisdom',
'QLDB' => 'qldb',
'QLDBSession' => 'session.qldb',
'QuickSight' => 'quicksight',
'RAM' => 'ram',
'RDS' => 'rds',
'RDSDataService' => 'rds-data',
'RecycleBin' => 'rbin',
'Redshift' => 'redshift',
'RedshiftDataAPIService' => 'redshift-data',
'RedshiftServerless' => 'redshift-serverless',
'Rekognition' => 'rekognition',
'Repostspace' => 'repostspace',
'ResilienceHub' => 'resiliencehub',
'ResourceExplorer2' => 'resource-explorer-2',
'ResourceGroups' => 'resource-groups',
'ResourceGroupsTaggingAPI' => 'tagging',
'RoboMaker' => 'robomaker',
'RolesAnywhere' => 'rolesanywhere',
'Route53' => 'route53',
'Route53Domains' => 'route53domains',
'Route53Profiles' => 'route53profiles',
'Route53RecoveryCluster' => 'route53-recovery-cluster',
'Route53RecoveryControlConfig' => 'route53-recovery-control-config',
'Route53RecoveryReadiness' => 'route53-recovery-readiness',
'Route53Resolver' => 'route53resolver',
'S3' => 's3',
'S3Control' => 's3-control',
'S3Outposts' => 's3-outposts',
'SES' => 'email',
'SESV2' => 'email',
'SMS' => 'sms',
'SNS' => 'sns',
'SQS' => 'sqs',
'SSM' => 'ssm',
'SSMContacts' => 'ssm-contacts',
'SSMIncidents' => 'ssm-incidents',
'SSO' => 'portal.sso',
'SSOAdmin' => 'sso',
'SSOOIDC' => 'oidc',
'STS' => 'sts',
'SWF' => 'swf',
'SageMaker' => 'api.sagemaker',
'SageMakerFeatureStoreRuntime' => 'featurestore-runtime.sagemaker',
'SageMakerGeospatial' => 'sagemaker-geospatial',
'SageMakerMetrics' => 'metrics.sagemaker',
'SageMakerRuntime' => 'runtime.sagemaker',
'SagemakerEdgeManager' => 'edge.sagemaker',
'SavingsPlans' => 'savingsplans',
'Scheduler' => 'scheduler',
'Schemas' => 'schemas',
'SecretsManager' => 'secretsmanager',
'SecurityHub' => 'securityhub',
'SecurityLake' => 'securitylake',
'ServerlessApplicationRepository' => 'serverlessrepo',
'ServiceCatalog' => 'servicecatalog',
'ServiceDiscovery' => 'servicediscovery',
'ServiceQuotas' => 'servicequotas',
'Shield' => 'shield',
'Signer' => 'signer',
'SimSpaceWeaver' => 'simspaceweaver',
'SimpleDB' => 'sdb',
'SnowDeviceManagement' => 'snow-device-management',
'Snowball' => 'snowball',
'SsmSap' => 'ssm-sap',
'States' => 'states',
'StorageGateway' => 'storagegateway',
'SupplyChain' => 'scn',
'Support' => 'support',
'SupportApp' => 'supportapp',
'Synthetics' => 'synthetics',
'Textract' => 'textract',
'TimestreamInfluxDB' => 'timestream-influxdb',
'TimestreamQuery' => 'query.timestream',
'TimestreamWrite' => 'ingest.timestream',
'Tnb' => 'tnb',
'TranscribeService' => 'transcribe',
'TranscribeStreamingService' => 'transcribestreaming',
'Transfer' => 'transfer',
'Translate' => 'translate',
'TrustedAdvisor' => 'trustedadvisor',
'VPCLattice' => 'vpc-lattice',
'VerifiedPermissions' => 'verifiedpermissions',
'VoiceID' => 'voiceid',
'WAF' => 'waf',
'WAFRegional' => 'waf-regional',
'WAFV2' => 'wafv2',
'WellArchitected' => 'wellarchitected',
'WorkDocs' => 'workdocs',
'WorkLink' => 'worklink',
'WorkMail' => 'workmail',
'WorkMailMessageFlow' => 'workmailmessageflow',
'WorkSpaces' => 'workspaces',
'WorkSpacesThinClient' => 'thinclient',
'WorkSpacesWeb' => 'workspaces-web',
'XRay' => 'xray',
# end service ids