class AzureBlob::Client

def commit_blob_blocks(key, block_ids, options = {})

Add a checksum for each block if you want Azure to validate integrity.
This is the checksum for the whole blob. The checksum is saved on the blob, but it is not validated!


Takes a key (path) and an array of block ids

Calls to {Put Block List}[]

Commits the list of blocks to a blob.
def commit_blob_blocks(key, block_ids, options = {})
  block_list =
  content = block_list.to_s
  uri = generate_uri("#{container}/#{key}")
  uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(comp: "blocklist")
  headers = {
    "Content-Length": content.size,
    "Content-Type": options[:content_type],
    "x-ms-blob-content-md5": options[:content_md5],
    "x-ms-blob-content-disposition": options[:content_disposition],
  }, headers, signer:, **options.slice(:metadata, :tags)).put(content)