class BCrypt::Password
@db_password == “a paltry guess” #=> false
@db_password == “my grand secret” #=> true
# compare it after retrieval
@db_password =
# read it back
@user.update_attribute(:password, @password)
# store it safely
@password #=> “$2a$12$C5.FIvVDS9W4AYZ/Ib37YuWd/7ozp1UaMhU28UKrfSxp2oDchbi3K”
@password = Password.create(“my grand secret”)
# hash a user’s password
include BCrypt
Example usage:
A password management class which allows you to safely store users’ passwords and compare them.
def ==(secret)
@password.to_s == @password # => True
@password == @password.to_s # => False
@password == @password # => False
@password == secret # => True
@password = BCrypt::Password.create(secret)
secret = "my secret"
Comparison edge case/gotcha:
Compares a potential secret against the hash. Returns true if the secret is the original secret, false otherwise.
def ==(secret) super(BCrypt::Engine.hash_secret(secret, @salt)) end
def create(secret, options = {})
users' passwords.
attackers to try to guess passwords (even if a copy of your database is stolen), but the slower it is to check
4 is twice as much work as a :cost of 3). The higher the :cost the harder it becomes for
logarithmic variable which determines how computational expensive the hash is to calculate (a :cost of
Hashes a secret, returning a BCrypt::Password instance. Takes an optional :cost option, which is a
def create(secret, options = {}) cost = options[:cost] || BCrypt::Engine.cost raise ArgumentError if cost > BCrypt::Engine::MAX_COST, BCrypt::Engine.generate_salt(cost))) end
def initialize(raw_hash)
def initialize(raw_hash) if valid_hash?(raw_hash) self.replace(raw_hash) @version, @cost, @salt, @checksum = split_hash(self) else raise"invalid hash") end end
def split_hash(h)
split_hash(raw_hash) -> version, cost, salt, hash
def split_hash(h) _, v, c, mash = h.split('$') return v.to_str, c.to_i, h[0, 29].to_str, mash[-31, 31].to_str end
def valid_hash?(h)
def valid_hash?(h) /\A\$[0-9a-z]{2}\$[0-9]{2}\$[A-Za-z0-9\.\/]{53}\z/ === h end
def valid_hash?(h)
def valid_hash?(h) self.class.valid_hash?(h) end