module Benchmark module IPS # Benchmark jobs. class Job # Entries in Benchmark Jobs. class Entry # Instantiate the Benchmark::IPS::Job::Entry. # @param label [#to_s] Label of Benchmarked code. # @param action [String, Proc] Code to be benchmarked. # @raise [ArgumentError] Raises when action is not String or not responding to +call+. def initialize(label, action) @label = label # We define #call_times on the singleton class of each Entry instance. # That way, there is no polymorphism for `` inside #call_times. if action.kind_of? String compile_string action @action = self else unless action.respond_to? :call raise ArgumentError, "invalid action, must respond to #call" end @action = action if action.respond_to? :arity and action.arity > 0 compile_block_with_manual_loop else compile_block end end end # The label of benchmarking action. # @return [#to_s] Label of action. attr_reader :label # The benchmarking action. # @return [String, Proc] Code to be called, could be String / Proc. attr_reader :action # Call action by given times. # @param times [Integer] Times to call +@action+. # @return [Integer] Number of times the +@action+ has been called. def call_times(times) raise '#call_times should be redefined per Benchmark::IPS::Job::Entry instance' end def compile_block m = (class << self; self; end) code = <<-CODE def call_times(times) act = @action i = 0 while i < times i += 1 end end CODE m.class_eval code end def compile_block_with_manual_loop m = (class << self; self; end) code = <<-CODE def call_times(times) end CODE m.class_eval code end # Compile code into +call_times+ method. # @param str [String] Code to be compiled. # @return [Symbol] :call_times. def compile_string(str) m = (class << self; self; end) code = <<-CODE def call_times(__total); __i = 0 while __i < __total #{str}; __i += 1 end end CODE m.class_eval code end end end end end