module Binance::Spot::Mining

def mining_resale_request(userName:, algo:, startDate:, endDate:, toPoolUser:, hashRate:, **kwargs)

Other tags:
    See: -

Options Hash: (**kwargs)
  • :recvWindow (Integer) -- The value cannot be greater than 60000

  • kwargs (Hash) --
  • hashRate (Integer) -- Resale hashrate h/s must be transferred (BTC is greater than 500000000000 ETH is greater than 500000)
  • toPoolUser (Integer) -- Mining Account
  • endDate (Integer) -- Number of pages, minimum 10, maximum 200
  • startDate (Integer) -- Resale End Time (Millisecond timestamp)
  • algo (String) -- Transfer algorithm(sha256)
  • userName (String) -- Mining Account
def mining_resale_request(userName:, algo:, startDate:, endDate:, toPoolUser:, hashRate:, **kwargs)
  Binance::Utils::Validation.require_param('userName', userName)
  Binance::Utils::Validation.require_param('algo', algo)
  Binance::Utils::Validation.require_param('startDate', startDate)
  Binance::Utils::Validation.require_param('endDate', endDate)
  Binance::Utils::Validation.require_param('toPoolUser', toPoolUser)
  Binance::Utils::Validation.require_param('hashRate', hashRate)
  @session.sign_request(:post, '/sapi/v1/mining/hash-transfer/config', params: kwargs.merge(
    userName: userName,
    algo: algo,
    startDate: startDate,
    endDate: endDate,
    toPoolUser: toPoolUser,
    hashRate: hashRate