# frozen_string_literal: true
module Binance
class Spot
# This module includes all spot trading methods, including:
# - place orders (spot and oco)
# - query orders (spot and oco)
# - cancel orders (spot and oco)
# - account information
# - my trades
# @see https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/spot/en/#spot-account-trade
module Trade
# TestNew Order
# POST /api/v3/order/test
# send in a new order to test the request, no order is really generated.
# @param symbol [String] the symbol
# @param side [String]
# @param type [String]
# @param kwargs [Hash]
# @option kwargs [String] :timeInForce
# @option kwargs [Float] :quantity
# @option kwargs [Float] :quoteOrderQty
# @option kwargs [Float] :price
# @option kwargs [String] :newClientOrderId
# @option kwargs [Float] :stopPrice
# @option kwargs [Float] :icebergeQty
# @option kwargs [String] :newOrderRespType Set the response JSON. ACK, RESULT, or FULL.
# @option kwargs [Integer] :recvWindow The value cannot be greater than 60000
# @see https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/spot/en/#test-new-order-trade
def new_order_test(symbol:, side:, type:, **kwargs)
Binance::Utils::Validation.require_param('symbol', symbol)
Binance::Utils::Validation.require_param('side', side)
Binance::Utils::Validation.require_param('type', type)
@session.sign_request(:post, '/api/v3/order/test', params: kwargs.merge(
symbol: symbol,
side: side,
type: type
# New Order
# POST /api/v3/order
# send in a new order
# @param symbol [String] the symbol
# @param side [String]
# @param type [String]
# @param kwargs [Hash]
# @option kwargs [String] :timeInForce
# @option kwargs [Float] :quantity
# @option kwargs [Float] :quoteOrderQty
# @option kwargs [Float] :price
# @option kwargs [String] :newClientOrderId
# @option kwargs [Float] :stopPrice
# @option kwargs [Float] :icebergeQty
# @option kwargs [String] :newOrderRespType Set the response JSON. ACK, RESULT, or FULL.
# @option kwargs [Integer] :recvWindow The value cannot be greater than 60000
# @see https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/spot/en/#new-order-trade
def new_order(symbol:, side:, type:, **kwargs)
Binance::Utils::Validation.require_param('symbol', symbol)
Binance::Utils::Validation.require_param('side', side)
Binance::Utils::Validation.require_param('type', type)
@session.sign_request(:post, '/api/v3/order', params: kwargs.merge(
symbol: symbol,
side: side,
type: type
# Cancel Order (TRADE)
# DELETE /api/v3/order
# @param symbol [String] the symbol
# @param kwargs [Hash]
# @option kwargs [Integer] :orderId
# @option kwargs [String] :origClientOrderId
# @option kwargs [String] :newClientOrderId
# @option kwargs [Integer] :recvWindow The value cannot be greater than 60000
# @see https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/spot/en/#cancel-order-trade
def cancel_order(symbol:, **kwargs)
Binance::Utils::Validation.require_param('symbol', symbol)
@session.sign_request(:delete, '/api/v3/order', params: kwargs.merge(symbol: symbol))
# Cancel all Open Orders on a Symbol (TRADE)
# DELETE /api/v3/openOrders
# @param symbol [String] the symbol
# @param kwargs [Hash]
# @option kwargs [Integer] :recvWindow The value cannot be greater than 60000
# @see https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/spot/en/#cancel-all-open-orders-on-a-symbol-trade
def cancel_open_orders(symbol:, **kwargs)
Binance::Utils::Validation.require_param('symbol', symbol)
@session.sign_request(:delete, '/api/v3/openOrders', params: kwargs.merge(symbol: symbol))
# Query Order (USER_DATA)
# GET /api/v3/order
# @param symbol [String] the symbol
# @param kwargs [Hash]
# @option kwargs [Integer] :orderId
# @option kwargs [String] :origClientOrderId
# @option kwargs [Integer] :recvWindow The value cannot be greater than 60000
# @see https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/spot/en/#query-order-user_data
def get_order(symbol:, **kwargs)
Binance::Utils::Validation.require_param('symbol', symbol)
@session.sign_request(:get, '/api/v3/order', params: kwargs.merge(symbol: symbol))
# Current Open Orders (USER_DATA)
# GET /api/v3/openOrders
# @param kwargs [Hash]
# @option kwargs [String] :symbol the symbol
# @option kwargs [Integer] :recvWindow The value cannot be greater than 60000
# @see https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/spot/en/#current-open-orders-user_data
def open_orders(**kwargs)
@session.sign_request(:get, '/api/v3/openOrders', params: kwargs)
# All Orders (USER_DATA)
# GET /api/v3/allOrders
# Get all account orders; active, canceled, or filled.
# @param symbol [String] the symbol
# @param kwargs [Hash]
# @option kwargs [String] :orderId
# @option kwargs [String] :startTime
# @option kwargs [String] :endTime
# @option kwargs [String] :limit Default 500; max 1000.
# @option kwargs [Integer] :recvWindow The value cannot be greater than 60000
# @see https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/spot/en/#all-orders-user_data
def all_orders(symbol:, **kwargs)
Binance::Utils::Validation.require_param('symbol', symbol)
@session.sign_request(:get, '/api/v3/allOrders', params: kwargs.merge(symbol: symbol))
# POST /api/v3/order/oco
# Send in a new OCO
# @param symbol [String] the symbol
# @param side [String]
# @param quantity [Float]
# @param price [Float]
# @param stopPrice [Float]
# @param kwargs [Hash]
# @option kwargs [String] :listClientOrderId
# @option kwargs [String] :limitClientOrderId
# @option kwargs [Float] :limitIcebergQty
# @option kwargs [String] :stopClientOrderId
# @option kwargs [Float] :stopLimitPrice
# @option kwargs [Float] :stopIcebergQty
# @option kwargs [Float] :stopLimitTimeInForce GTC/ FOK/ IOC
# @option kwargs [String] :newOrderRespType
# @option kwargs [Integer] :recvWindow The value cannot be greater than 60000
# @see https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/spot/en/#new-oco-trade
def new_oco_order(symbol:, side:, quantity:, price:, stopPrice:, **kwargs)
Binance::Utils::Validation.require_param('symbol', symbol)
Binance::Utils::Validation.require_param('side', side)
Binance::Utils::Validation.require_param('quantity', quantity)
Binance::Utils::Validation.require_param('price', price)
Binance::Utils::Validation.require_param('stopPrice', stopPrice)
@session.sign_request(:post, '/api/v3/order/oco', params: kwargs.merge(
symbol: symbol,
side: side,
quantity: quantity,
price: price,
stopPrice: stopPrice
# Cancel OCO (TRADE)
# DELETE /api/v3/orderList
# @param symbol [String] the symbol
# @param kwargs [Hash]
# @option kwargs [Integer] :orderListId
# @option kwargs [String] :listClientOrderId
# @option kwargs [String] :newClientOrderId
# @option kwargs [Integer] :recvWindow The value cannot be greater than 60000
# @see https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/spot/en/#cancel-oco-trade
def cancel_order_list(symbol:, **kwargs)
Binance::Utils::Validation.require_param('symbol', symbol)
@session.sign_request(:delete, '/api/v3/orderList', params: kwargs.merge(symbol: symbol))
# GET /api/v3/orderList
# Retrieves a specific OCO based on provided optional parameters
# @param kwargs [Hash]
# @option kwargs [Integer] :orderListId
# @option kwargs [String] :orgClientOrderId
# @option kwargs [Integer] :recvWindow The value cannot be greater than 60000
# @see https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/spot/en/#query-oco-user_data
def order_list(**kwargs)
@session.sign_request(:get, '/api/v3/orderList', params: kwargs)
# Query all OCO (USER_DATA)
# GET /api/v3/allOrderList
# Retrieves all OCO based on provided optional parameters
# @param kwargs [Hash]
# @option kwargs [Integer] :fromId
# @option kwargs [String] :startTime
# @option kwargs [String] :endTime
# @option kwargs [String] :limit Default 500; max 1000.
# @option kwargs [Integer] :recvWindow The value cannot be greater than 60000
# @see https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/spot/en/#query-all-oco-user_data
def all_order_list(**kwargs)
@session.sign_request(:get, '/api/v3/allOrderList', params: kwargs)
# Query Open OCO (USER_DATA)
# GET /api/v3/openOrderList
# @param kwargs [Hash]
# @option kwargs [Integer] :recvWindow The value cannot be greater than 60000
# @see https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/spot/en/#query-open-oco-user_data
def open_order_list(**kwargs)
@session.sign_request(:get, '/api/v3/openOrderList', params: kwargs)
# Account Information (USER_DATA)
# GET /api/v3/account
# @param kwargs [Hash]
# @option kwargs [Integer] :recvWindow The value cannot be greater than 60000
# @see https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/spot/en/#account-information-user_data
def account(**kwargs)
@session.sign_request(:get, '/api/v3/account', params: kwargs)
# Account Trade List (USER_DATA)
# GET /api/v3/myTrades
# @param symbol [String] the symbol
# @param kwargs [Hash]
# @option kwargs [Integer] :orderId
# @option kwargs [Integer] :startTime
# @option kwargs [Integer] :endTime
# @option kwargs [Integer] :fromId TradeId to fetch from. Default gets most recent trades.
# @option kwargs [Integer] :limit Default 500; max 1000.
# @option kwargs [Integer] :recvWindow The value cannot be greater than 60000
# @see https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/spot/en/#account-trade-list-user_data
def my_trades(symbol:, **kwargs)
@session.sign_request(:get, '/api/v3/myTrades', params: kwargs.merge(symbol: symbol))
# Query Current Order Count Usage (TRADE)
# GET /api/v3/rateLimit/order
# @param kwargs [Hash]
# @option kwargs [Integer] :recvWindow The value cannot be greater than 60000
# @see https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/spot/en/#query-current-order-count-usage-trade
def get_order_rate_limit(**kwargs)
@session.sign_request(:get, '/api/v3/rateLimit/order', params: kwargs)
# Cancel an Existing Order and Send a New Order (TRADE)
# POST /api/v3/order/cancelReplace
# @param symbol [String] the symbol
# @param side [String]
# @param type [String]
# @param cancelReplaceMode [String] STOP_ON_FAILURE or ALLOW_FAILURE
# @param kwargs [Hash]
# @option kwargs [String] :timeInForce
# @option kwargs [Float] :quantity
# @option kwargs [Float] :quoteOrderQty
# @option kwargs [Float] :price
# @option kwargs [String] :cancelNewClientOrderId
# @option kwargs [String] :cancelOrigClientOrderId
# @option kwargs [Integer] :cancelOrderId
# @option kwargs [String] :newClientOrderId
# @option kwargs [Float] :stopPrice
# @option kwargs [Integer] :trailingDelta
# @option kwargs [Float] :icebergQty
# @option kwargs [String] :newOrderRespType
# @option kwargs [Integer] :recvWindow The value cannot be greater than 60000
# @see https://binance-docs.github.io/apidocs/spot/en/#cancel-an-existing-order-and-send-a-new-order-trade
def cancel_replace(symbol:, side:, type:, cancelReplaceMode:, **kwargs)
Binance::Utils::Validation.require_param('symbol', symbol)
Binance::Utils::Validation.require_param('side', side)
Binance::Utils::Validation.require_param('type', type)
Binance::Utils::Validation.require_param('cancelReplaceMode', cancelReplaceMode)
@session.sign_request(:post, '/api/v3/order/cancelReplace',
params: kwargs.merge(
symbol: symbol,
side: side,
type: type,
cancelReplaceMode: cancelReplaceMode