require_relative '../bootsnap' env = ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || ENV['RACK_ENV'] || ENV['ENV'] development_mode = ['', nil, 'development'].include?(env) # only enable on 'ruby' (MRI), POSIX (darin, linux, *bsd), and >= 2.3.0 enable_cc = \ RUBY_ENGINE == 'ruby' && \ RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin|linux|bsd/ && \ RUBY_VERSION # "1.9.3" .split('.') # ["1", "9", "3"] .map(&:to_i) # [1, 9, 3] .zip([2, 3, -1]) # [[1, 2], [9, 3], [3, -1]] .map { |a, b| a <=> b } # [-1, 1, 1] .detect { |e| ! } # -1 .==(1) # false cache_dir = ENV['BOOTSNAP_CACHE_DIR'] unless cache_dir config_dir_frame = caller.detect do |line| line.include?('/config/') end unless config_dir_frame $stderr.puts "[bootsnap/setup] couldn't infer cache directory! Either:" $stderr.puts "[bootsnap/setup] 1. require bootsnap/setup from your application's config directory; or" $stderr.puts "[bootsnap/setup] 2. Define the environment variable BOOTSNAP_CACHE_DIR" raise "couldn't infer bootsnap cache directory" end path = config_dir_frame.split(/:\d+:/).first path = File.dirname(path) until File.basename(path) == 'config' app_root = File.dirname(path) cache_dir = File.join(app_root, 'tmp', 'cache') end Bootsnap.setup( cache_dir: cache_dir, development_mode: development_mode, load_path_cache: true, autoload_paths_cache: true, # assume rails. open to PRs to impl. detection disable_trace: false, compile_cache_iseq: enable_cc, compile_cache_yaml: enable_cc )