module Fields::HtmlEditorHelper TEMPORARY_REPLACEMENT = "" def html_sanitize(string) return string unless string # TODO this is a hack to get around the fact that rails doesn't allow us to add any acceptable protocols. string = string.gsub("bullettrain://", TEMPORARY_REPLACEMENT) string = sanitize(string, tags: %w[div br strong em b i del a h1 blockquote pre ul ol li], attributes: %w[href]) # given the limited scope of what we're doing here, this string replace should work. # it should also use a lot less memory than nokogiri. string = string.gsub(/<a href="#{TEMPORARY_REPLACEMENT}(.*?)\/.*?">(.*?)<\/a>/o, "<span class=\"tribute-reference tribute-\\1-reference\">\\2</span>").html_safe # Also, while we're at it ... links_target_blank(string).html_safe end def links_target_blank(body) doc = Nokogiri::HTML(body) doc.css("a").each do |link| link["target"] = "_blank" # To avoid window.opener attack when target blank is used # link["rel"] = "noopener" end doc.to_s end end