class Bundler::CLI

def install(path = nil)

def install(path = nil)
  opts = options.dup
  opts[:without] ||= []
  opts[:without].map! { |g| g.to_sym }
  # Can't use Bundler.settings for this because settings needs gemfile.dirname
  ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] = opts[:gemfile] if opts[:gemfile]
  Bundler.settings[:path] = path if path
  Bundler.settings[:disable_shared_gems] = '1' if options["disable-shared-gems"]
  Bundler.settings.without = opts[:without]
  remove_lockfiles if options[:relock]
    Installer.install(Bundler.root, Bundler.definition, opts)
  rescue GemfileChanged
    raise GemfileChanged, "You changed your Gemfile after locking. " +
      "Please run `bundle install --relock`."
  Bundler.ui.confirm "Your bundle is complete! " +
    "Use `bundle show [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed."
  lock if options[:relock]
  cache if Bundler.root.join("vendor/cache").exist?
rescue GemNotFound => e
  if Bundler.definition.sources.empty?
    Bundler.ui.warn "Your Gemfile doesn't have any sources. You can add one with a line like 'source :gemcutter'"
  raise e