module Thor::Actions

def insert_into_file(destination, *args, &block)

gems.split(" ").map{ |gem| " config.gem :#{gem}" }.join("\n")
gems = ask "Which gems would you like to add?"
insert_into_file "config/environment.rb", :after => " do |config|\n" do

insert_into_file "config/environment.rb", "config.gem :thor", :after => " do |config|\n"

==== Examples

insert two or more times the same content.
for injection (:after or :before) or :force => true for
config:: give :verbose => false to not log the status and the flag
data:: Data to add to the file. Can be given as a block.
destination:: Relative path to the destination root
==== Parameters

method is reversible.
Injects the given content into a file. Different from gsub_file, this
def insert_into_file(destination, *args, &block)
  if block_given?
    data, config = block, args.shift
    data, config = args.shift, args.shift
  action, destination, data, config)