require 'thread' module Bundler class Worker POISON = class WrappedException < StandardError attr_reader :exception def initialize(exn) @exception = exn end end # Creates a worker pool of specified size # # @param size [Integer] Size of pool # @param func [Proc] job to run in inside the worker pool def initialize(size, func) @request_queue = @response_queue = @func = func @threads = { |i| Thread.start { process_queue(i) } } trap("INT") { abort_threads } end # Enqueue a request to be executed in the worker pool # # @param obj [String] mostly it is name of spec that should be downloaded def enq(obj) @request_queue.enq obj end # Retrieves results of job function being executed in worker pool def deq result = @response_queue.deq raise result.exception if result.is_a?(WrappedException) result end def stop stop_threads end private def process_queue(i) loop do obj = @request_queue.deq break if obj.equal? POISON @response_queue.enq apply_func(obj, i) end end def apply_func(obj, i), i) rescue Exception => e end # Stop the worker threads by sending a poison object down the request queue # so as worker threads after retrieving it, shut themselves down def stop_threads @threads.each { @request_queue.enq POISON } @threads.each { |thread| thread.join } end def abort_threads @threads.each {|i| i.exit } exit 1 end end end