class Bundler::Checksum
def ==(other)
def ==(other) match?(other) && other.sources == sources end
def formatted_sources
def formatted_sources sources.join("\n and ").concat("\n") end
def from_api(digest, source_uri, algo = DEFAULT_ALGORITHM)
def from_api(digest, source_uri, algo = DEFAULT_ALGORITHM) return if Bundler.settings[:disable_checksum_validation], to_hexdigest(digest, algo),, source_uri)) end
def from_gem(io, pathname, algo = DEFAULT_ALGORITHM)
def from_gem(io, pathname, algo = DEFAULT_ALGORITHM) digest = Bundler::SharedHelpers.digest(algo.upcase).new buf = DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE) digest << io.readpartial(DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE, buf) until io.eof?, digest.hexdigest!,, pathname)) end
def from_gem_package(gem_package, algo = DEFAULT_ALGORITHM)
def from_gem_package(gem_package, algo = DEFAULT_ALGORITHM) return if Bundler.settings[:disable_checksum_validation] return unless source = gem_package.instance_variable_get(:@gem) return unless source.respond_to?(:with_read_io) source.with_read_io do |io| from_gem(io, source.path) ensure io.rewind end end
def from_lock(lock_checksum, lockfile_location)
def from_lock(lock_checksum, lockfile_location) algo, digest = lock_checksum.strip.split(ALGO_SEPARATOR, 2), to_hexdigest(digest, algo),, lockfile_location)) end
def hash
def hash digest.hash end
def initialize(algo, digest, source)
def initialize(algo, digest, source) @algo = algo @digest = digest @sources = [source] end
def inspect
def inspect abbr = "#{algo}#{ALGO_SEPARATOR}#{digest[0, 8]}" from = "from #{sources.join(" and ")}" "#<#{self.class}:#{object_id} #{abbr} #{from}>" end
def match?(other)
def match?(other) other.is_a?(self.class) && other.digest == digest && other.algo == algo end
def merge!(other)
def merge!(other) return nil unless match?(other) @sources.concat(other.sources).uniq! self end
def removable?
def removable? sources.all?(&:removable?) end
def removal_instructions
def removal_instructions msg = +"" i = 1 sources.each do |source| msg << " #{i}. #{source.removal}\n" i += 1 end msg << " #{i}. run `bundle install`\n" end
def same_source?(other)
def same_source?(other) sources.include?(other.sources.first) end
def to_hexdigest(digest, algo = DEFAULT_ALGORITHM)
def to_hexdigest(digest, algo = DEFAULT_ALGORITHM) return digest unless algo == DEFAULT_ALGORITHM return digest if digest.match?(/\A[0-9a-f]{64}\z/i) if digest.match?(%r{\A[-0-9a-z_+/]{43}={0,2}\z}i) digest ="-_", "+/") # fix urlsafe base64 digest.unpack1("m0").unpack1("H*") else raise ArgumentError, "#{digest.inspect} is not a valid SHA256 hex or base64 digest" end end
def to_lock
def to_lock "#{algo}#{ALGO_SEPARATOR}#{digest}" end
def to_s
def to_s "#{to_lock} (from #{sources.first}#{", ..." if sources.size > 1})" end