module Byebug
def start(options={}, &block)
can't be unset.
uncaught exception. Once post-mortem debugging is set, it
:post_mortem - true if you want to enter post-mortem debugging on an
the (first) call.
saved, you should make sure it hasn't been changed before
is set to true the values will get set. Since ARGV is
make a byebug restart possible. Only the first time :init
:init - true if you want to save ARGV and some other variables to
+options+ is a hash used to set various debugging options.
many times as you called Byebug.start method.
Note that if you want to stop byebug, you must call Byebug.stop as
Byebug.start's have no effect and you can't use this inside byebug itself.
Also, byebug only allows one invocation of byebug at a time; nested
Byebug.start { byebug; foo } # Stop inside of foo
will probably want to have a call to Byebug.byebug. For example:
executed it stops byebug with Byebug.stop method. Inside the block you
If a block is given, it starts byebug and yields block. After the block is
already started.
If it's called without a block, it returns +true+ unless byebug was
Byebug.start(options) { ... } -> obj
Byebug.start(options) -> bool
def start(options={}, &block) options = Byebug::DEFAULT_START_SETTINGS.merge(options) if options[:init] Byebug.const_set('ARGV', ARGV.clone) unless defined? Byebug::ARGV Byebug.const_set('PROG_SCRIPT', $0) unless defined? Byebug::PROG_SCRIPT Byebug.const_set('INITIAL_DIR', Dir.pwd) unless defined? Byebug::INITIAL_DIR end Byebug.tracing = options[:tracing] unless options[:tracing].nil? Byebug.start_sentinal=caller(0)[1] if Byebug.started? retval = block && else retval = Byebug._start(&block) end if options[:post_mortem] post_mortem end return retval end