module Byebug # Implements byebug's 'method' command. class MethodCommand < Command include Columnize def regexp /^\s* m(?:ethod)? \s+ ((iv)|(i(:?nstance)?)\s+)?/x end def execute obj = bb_eval(@match.post_match) if @match[1] == 'iv' obj.instance_variables.sort.each do |v| print "#{v} = #{obj.instance_variable_get(v).inspect}\n" end elsif @match[1] print "#{columnize(obj.methods.sort(), Setting[:width])}\n" elsif !obj.kind_of?(Module) print "Should be Class/Module: #{@match.post_match}\n" else print "#{columnize(obj.instance_methods(false).sort(), Setting[:width])}\n" end end class << self def names %w(method) end def description %{m[ethod] i[nstance] <obj>\tshow methods of object m[ethod] iv <obj>\t\tshow instance variables of object m[ethod] <class|module>\t\tshow instance methods of class or module} end end end end