module Byebug # # Show information about every line that is executed. # class TraceCommand < Command def regexp /^\s* tr(?:acevar)? (?: \s+ (\S+))? # (variable-name)? (?: \s+ (\S+))? # (stop | nostop)? \s*$/x end def execute var = @match[1] if global_variables.include?("$#{var}".to_sym) if @match[2] && @match[2] !~ /(:?no)?stop/ errmsg "expecting \"stop\" or \"nostop\"; got \"#{@match[2]}\"" else dbg_cmd = if @match[2] && @match[2] !~ /nostop/ 'byebug(1, false)' else '' end end eval("trace_var(:\"\$#{var}\") do |val| puts \"traced global variable '#{var}' has value '\#{val}'\" #{dbg_cmd} end") puts "Tracing global variable \"#{var}\"." else errmsg "'#{var}' is not a global variable." end end class << self def names %w(trace) end def description %(tr[acevar] <variable> [[no]stop] Start tracing variable <variable>. If "stop" is specified, execution will stop every time the variable changes its value. If nothing or "nostop" is specified, execution won't stop, changes will just be logged in byebug's output.) end end end end