module Capybara
def HTML(html) # rubocop:disable Naming/MethodName
- HTML document
) -- The raw html
def HTML(html) # rubocop:disable Naming/MethodName # Nokogiri >= 1.12.0 or Nokogumbo installed and allowed for use html_parser, using_html5 = if defined?(Nokogiri::HTML5) && Capybara.use_html5_parsing [Nokogiri::HTML5, true] else [defined?(Nokogiri::HTML4) ? Nokogiri::HTML4 : Nokogiri::HTML, false] end html_parser.parse(html).tap do |document| document.xpath('//template').each do |template| # template elements content is not part of the document template.inner_html = '' end document.xpath('//textarea').each do |textarea| # The Nokogiri HTML5 parser already returns spec compliant contents textarea['_capybara_raw_value'] = using_html5 ? textarea.content : textarea.content.delete_prefix("\n") end end end