class Kitchen::Provisioner::ChefZeroCapture

expected to be available for chef-zero to provide to the client.
or cookbook artifacts + policy data as captured from the live node and are
resolution and will not pull in external cookbooks. All cookbooks
This provisioner does not do any cookbook dependency
chef-zero provisioner intended for use with ‘chef capture`.

def create_sandbox

def create_sandbox
  # We have to invoke the the true Base create_sandbox because it does setup that
  # we want. However, we do not want to invoke the create_sandbox inherited from
  # ChefZero/ChefBase - those will create and populate a ChefCommonSandbox instead
  # of a ChefZeroCaptureSandbox.
  m = Base.instance_method(:create_sandbox).bind(self)
  # These behaviors from super we _do_ want, so we need to copy them here.
  prepare_config_rb, sandbox_path, instance).populate

def default_config_rb

at run-time.
to be able to locate our policies/, policy groups, and cookbook artifacts
so that we can add additional configuration required for chef-zero
Overriding the private ProviderChefZero#default_config_rb
def default_config_rb
  cfg = super
  # Need to tell chef-zero about our additional config.
  root = config[:root_path].gsub("$env:TEMP", "\#{ENV['TEMP']\}")
  cfg[:policies_path] = remote_path_join(root, config[:policies_path])
  cfg[:policy_groups_path] = remote_path_join(root, config[:policy_groups_path])
  cfg[:cookbook_artifacts_path] = remote_path_join(root, config[:cookbook_artifacts_path])

def load_needed_dependencies!; end

dependencies from chef-zero, exactly as prepped in the captured repository.
This will load policyfile/berkshelf. We don't want either - the client resolves all
def load_needed_dependencies!; end