context = ChefCLI::Generator.context cookbook_dir = File.join(context.cookbook_root, context.cookbook_name) recipe_path = File.join(cookbook_dir, 'recipes', "#{context.new_file_basename}.rb") recipe_path_yml = File.join(cookbook_dir, 'recipes', "#{context.new_file_basename}.yml") spec_helper_path = File.join(cookbook_dir, 'spec', 'spec_helper.rb') spec_dir = File.join(cookbook_dir, 'spec', 'unit', 'recipes') spec_path = File.join(spec_dir, "#{context.new_file_basename}_spec.rb") inspec_dir = File.join(cookbook_dir, 'test', 'integration', 'default') inspec_path = File.join(inspec_dir, "#{context.new_file_basename}_test.rb") if, 'test', 'recipes')) Chef::Log.deprecation <<~EOH It appears that you have InSpec tests located at "test/recipes". This location can cause issues with Foodcritic and has been deprecated in favor of "test/integration/default". Please move your existing InSpec tests to the newly created "test/integration/default" directory, and update the 'inspec_tests' value in your kitchen.yml file(s) to point to "test/integration/default". EOH end # Chefspec directory spec_dir do recursive true end cookbook_file spec_helper_path do action :create_if_missing end template spec_path do source 'recipe_spec.rb.erb' helpers(ChefCLI::Generator::TemplateHelper) action :create_if_missing end # InSpec directory inspec_dir do recursive true end template inspec_path do source 'inspec_default_test.rb.erb' helpers(ChefCLI::Generator::TemplateHelper) action :create_if_missing end # Recipe if context.yaml template recipe_path_yml do source 'recipe.yml.erb' helpers(ChefCLI::Generator::TemplateHelper) end else template recipe_path do source 'recipe.rb.erb' helpers(ChefCLI::Generator::TemplateHelper) end end