class ChefSpec::Matchers::StateAttrsMatcher
def description
def description %Q{have state attributes #{@expected_attrs.inspect}} end
def failure_message
def failure_message if @resource "expected #{state_attrs.inspect} to equal #{@expected_attrs.inspect}" else "expected _something_ to have state attributes, but the " \ "_something_ you gave me was nil!" \ "\n" \ "Ensure the resource exists before making assertions:" \ "\n\n" \ " expect(resource).to be" \ "\n " end end
def failure_message_when_negated
def failure_message_when_negated if @resource "expected #{state_attrs.inspect} to not equal " \ "#{@expected_attrs.inspect}" else "expected _something_ to not have state attributes, but the " \ "_something_ you gave me was nil!" \ "\n" \ "Ensure the resource exists before making assertions:" \ "\n\n" \ " expect(resource).to be" \ "\n " end end
def initialize(state_attrs)
) --
def initialize(state_attrs) @expected_attrs = end
def matches?(resource)
def matches?(resource) @resource = resource @resource && matches_state_attrs? end
def matches_state_attrs?
(true, false)
def matches_state_attrs? @expected_attrs == state_attrs end
def state_attrs
def state_attrs end