class CKEditor5::Rails::Assets::AssetsBundleHtmlSerializer
def self.url_resource_preload_type(url)
def self.url_resource_preload_type(url) case File.extname(url) when '.js' then 'script' when '.css' then 'style' else 'fetch' end end
def initialize(bundle)
def initialize(bundle) raise TypeError, 'bundle must be an instance of AssetsBundle' unless bundle.is_a?(AssetsBundle) @bundle = bundle end
def preload_tags
def preload_tags @preload_tags ||= safe_join( do |url| url, rel: 'preload', as: self.class.url_resource_preload_type(url)) end) end
def scripts_import_map_tag
def scripts_import_map_tag return @scripts_import_map_tag if defined?(@scripts_import_map_tag) import_map = bundle.scripts.each_with_object({}) do |script, map| map[script.import_name] = script.url if script.esm? end @scripts_import_map_tag = tag.script( { imports: import_map }.to_json.html_safe, type: 'importmap', nonce: true ) end
def styles_tags
def styles_tags @styles_tags ||= safe_join( do |url| url, rel: 'stylesheet') end) end
def to_html
def to_html safe_join([ preload_tags, styles_tags, window_scripts_tags, scripts_import_map_tag, web_component_tag ]) end
def web_component_tag
def web_component_tag @web_component_tag ||= tag.script(WEBCOMPONENT_SOURCE, type: 'module', nonce: true) end
def window_scripts_tags
def window_scripts_tags @window_scripts_tags ||= safe_join(bundle.scripts.filter_map do |script| tag.script(src: script.url, nonce: true, async: true) if script.window? end) end