module CodeRay
# A Hash of all known token kinds and their associated CSS classes.
TokenKinds = do |h, k|
warn 'Undefined Token kind: %p' % [k] if $CODERAY_DEBUG
# speedup
TokenKinds.compare_by_identity if TokenKinds.respond_to? :compare_by_identity
TokenKinds.update( # :nodoc:
:debug => 'debug', # highlight for debugging (white on blue background)
:annotation => 'annotation', # Groovy, Java
:attribute_name => 'attribute-name', # HTML, CSS
:attribute_value => 'attribute-value', # HTML
:binary => 'binary', # Python, Ruby
:char => 'char', # most scanners, also inside of strings
:class => 'class', # lots of scanners, for different purposes also in CSS
:class_variable => 'class-variable', # Ruby, YAML
:color => 'color', # CSS
:comment => 'comment', # most scanners
:constant => 'constant', # PHP, Ruby
:content => 'content', # inside of strings, most scanners
:decorator => 'decorator', # Python
:definition => 'definition', # CSS
:delimiter => 'delimiter', # inside strings, comments and other types
:directive => 'directive', # lots of scanners
:doctype => 'doctype', # Goorvy, HTML, Ruby, YAML
:docstring => 'docstring', # Python
:done => 'done', # Taskpaper
:entity => 'entity', # HTML
:error => 'error', # invalid token, most scanners
:escape => 'escape', # Ruby (string inline variables like #$foo, #@bar)
:exception => 'exception', # Java, PHP, Python
:filename => 'filename', # Diff
:float => 'float', # most scanners
:function => 'function', # CSS, JavaScript, PHP
:global_variable => 'global-variable', # Ruby, YAML
:hex => 'hex', # hexadecimal number; lots of scanners
:id => 'id', # CSS
:imaginary => 'imaginary', # Python
:important => 'important', # CSS, Taskpaper
:include => 'include', # C, Groovy, Java, Python, Sass
:inline => 'inline', # nested code, eg. inline string evaluation; lots of scanners
:inline_delimiter => 'inline-delimiter', # used instead of :inline > :delimiter FIXME: Why use inline_delimiter?
:instance_variable => 'instance-variable', # Ruby
:integer => 'integer', # most scanners
:key => 'key', # lots of scanners, used together with :value
:keyword => 'keyword', # reserved word that's actually implemented; most scanners
:label => 'label', # C, PHP
:local_variable => 'local-variable', # local and magic variables; some scanners
:map => 'map', # Lua tables
:modifier => 'modifier', # used inside on strings; lots of scanners
:namespace => 'namespace', # Clojure, Java, Taskpaper
:octal => 'octal', # lots of scanners
:predefined => 'predefined', # predefined function: lots of scanners
:predefined_constant => 'predefined-constant',# lots of scanners
:predefined_type => 'predefined-type', # C, Java, PHP
:preprocessor => 'preprocessor', # C, Delphi, HTML
:pseudo_class => 'pseudo-class', # CSS
:regexp => 'regexp', # Groovy, JavaScript, Ruby
:reserved => 'reserved', # most scanners
:shell => 'shell', # Ruby
:string => 'string', # most scanners
:symbol => 'symbol', # Clojure, Ruby, YAML
:tag => 'tag', # CSS, HTML
:type => 'type', # CSS, Java, SQL, YAML
:value => 'value', # used together with :key; CSS, JSON, YAML
:variable => 'variable', # Sass, SQL, YAML
:change => 'change', # Diff
:delete => 'delete', # Diff
:head => 'head', # Diff, YAML
:insert => 'insert', # Diff
:eyecatcher => 'eyecatcher', # Diff
:ident => false, # almost all scanners
:operator => false, # almost all scanners
:space => false, # almost all scanners
:plain => false # almost all scanners
TokenKinds[:method] = TokenKinds[:function]