class Concurrent::AbstractExchanger
@!visibility private
def do_exchange(value, timeout)
(Object, CANCEL)
- the value exchanged by the other thread; {CANCEL} on timeout
def do_exchange(value, timeout) raise NotImplementedError end
def exchange(value, timeout = nil)
- the value exchanged by the other thread or `nil` on timeout
(Numeric, nil
) -- in seconds, `nil` blocks indefinitely -
) -- the value to exchange with another thread
def exchange(value, timeout = nil) (value = do_exchange(value, timeout)) == CANCEL ? nil : value end
def exchange!(value, timeout = nil)
- on timeout
- the value exchanged by the other thread
def exchange!(value, timeout = nil) if (value = do_exchange(value, timeout)) == CANCEL raise Concurrent::TimeoutError else value end end
def initialize
def initialize super end
def try_exchange(value, timeout = nil)
- on success a `Just` maybe will be returned with
def try_exchange(value, timeout = nil) if (value = do_exchange(value, timeout)) == CANCEL Concurrent::Maybe.nothing(Concurrent::TimeoutError) else Concurrent::Maybe.just(value) end end