
require 'concurrent/utility/engine'
require 'concurrent/collection/java_non_concurrent_priority_queue'
require 'concurrent/collection/ruby_non_concurrent_priority_queue'

module Concurrent
  module Collection

    # @!visibility private
    # @!macro internal_implementation_note
    NonConcurrentPriorityQueueImplementation = case
                                               when Concurrent.on_jruby?
    private_constant :NonConcurrentPriorityQueueImplementation

    # @!macro priority_queue
    #   A queue collection in which the elements are sorted based on their
    #   comparison (spaceship) operator `<=>`. Items are added to the queue
    #   at a position relative to their priority. On removal the element
    #   with the "highest" priority is removed. By default the sort order is
    #   from highest to lowest, but a lowest-to-highest sort order can be
    #   set on construction.
    #   The API is based on the `Queue` class from the Ruby standard library.
    #   The pure Ruby implementation, `RubyNonConcurrentPriorityQueue` uses a heap algorithm
    #   stored in an array. The algorithm is based on the work of Robert Sedgewick
    #   and Kevin Wayne.
    #   The JRuby native implementation is a thin wrapper around the standard
    #   library `java.util.NonConcurrentPriorityQueue`.
    #   When running under JRuby the class `NonConcurrentPriorityQueue` extends `JavaNonConcurrentPriorityQueue`.
    #   When running under all other interpreters it extends `RubyNonConcurrentPriorityQueue`.
    #   @note This implementation is *not* thread safe.
    #   @see
    #   @see
    #   @see
    #   @see
    #   @see
    # @!visibility private
    class NonConcurrentPriorityQueue < NonConcurrentPriorityQueueImplementation

      alias_method :has_priority?, :include?

      alias_method :size, :length

      alias_method :deq, :pop
      alias_method :shift, :pop

      alias_method :<<, :push
      alias_method :enq, :push

      # @!method initialize(opts = {})
      #   @!macro priority_queue_method_initialize
      #     Create a new priority queue with no items.
      #     @param [Hash] opts the options for creating the queue
      #     @option opts [Symbol] :order (:max) dictates the order in which items are
      #       stored: from highest to lowest when `:max` or `:high`; from lowest to
      #       highest when `:min` or `:low`

      # @!method clear
      #   @!macro priority_queue_method_clear
      #     Removes all of the elements from this priority queue.

      # @!method delete(item)
      #   @!macro priority_queue_method_delete
      #     Deletes all items from `self` that are equal to `item`.
      #     @param [Object] item the item to be removed from the queue
      #     @return [Object] true if the item is found else false

      # @!method empty?
      #   @!macro priority_queue_method_empty
      #     Returns `true` if `self` contains no elements.
      #     @return [Boolean] true if there are no items in the queue else false

      # @!method include?(item)
      #   @!macro priority_queue_method_include
      #     Returns `true` if the given item is present in `self` (that is, if any
      #     element == `item`), otherwise returns false.
      #     @param [Object] item the item to search for
      #     @return [Boolean] true if the item is found else false

      # @!method length
      #   @!macro priority_queue_method_length
      #     The current length of the queue.
      #     @return [Fixnum] the number of items in the queue

      # @!method peek
      #   @!macro priority_queue_method_peek
      #     Retrieves, but does not remove, the head of this queue, or returns `nil`
      #     if this queue is empty.
      #     @return [Object] the head of the queue or `nil` when empty

      # @!method pop
      #   @!macro priority_queue_method_pop
      #     Retrieves and removes the head of this queue, or returns `nil` if this
      #     queue is empty.
      #     @return [Object] the head of the queue or `nil` when empty

      # @!method push(item)
      #   @!macro priority_queue_method_push
      #     Inserts the specified element into this priority queue.
      #     @param [Object] item the item to insert onto the queue

      # @!method self.from_list(list, opts = {})
      #   @!macro priority_queue_method_from_list
      #     Create a new priority queue from the given list.
      #     @param [Enumerable] list the list to build the queue from
      #     @param [Hash] opts the options for creating the queue
      #     @return [NonConcurrentPriorityQueue] the newly created and populated queue