
require 'concurrent/utility/native_extension_loader' # load native parts first

require 'concurrent/atomic_reference/atomic_direct_update'
require 'concurrent/atomic_reference/numeric_cas_wrapper'
require 'concurrent/atomic_reference/mutex_atomic'

# Shim for TruffleRuby::AtomicReference
if Concurrent.on_truffleruby? && !defined?(TruffleRuby::AtomicReference)
  # @!visibility private
  module TruffleRuby
    AtomicReference = Truffle::AtomicReference

module Concurrent

  # @!macro internal_implementation_note
  AtomicReferenceImplementation = case
                                  when Concurrent.on_cruby? && Concurrent.c_extensions_loaded?
                                    # @!visibility private
                                    # @!macro internal_implementation_note
                                    class CAtomicReference
                                      include AtomicDirectUpdate
                                      include AtomicNumericCompareAndSetWrapper
                                      alias_method :compare_and_swap, :compare_and_set
                                  when Concurrent.on_jruby?
                                    # @!visibility private
                                    # @!macro internal_implementation_note
                                    class JavaAtomicReference
                                      include AtomicDirectUpdate
                                  when Concurrent.on_truffleruby?
                                    class TruffleRubyAtomicReference < TruffleRuby::AtomicReference
                                      include AtomicDirectUpdate
                                      alias_method :value, :get
                                      alias_method :value=, :set
                                      alias_method :compare_and_swap, :compare_and_set
                                      alias_method :swap, :get_and_set
  private_constant :AtomicReferenceImplementation

  # An object reference that may be updated atomically. All read and write
  # operations have java volatile semantic.
  # @!macro thread_safe_variable_comparison
  # @see
  # @see
  # @!method initialize(value = nil)
  #   @!macro atomic_reference_method_initialize
  #     @param [Object] value The initial value.
  # @!method get
  #   @!macro atomic_reference_method_get
  #     Gets the current value.
  #     @return [Object] the current value
  # @!method set(new_value)
  #   @!macro atomic_reference_method_set
  #     Sets to the given value.
  #     @param [Object] new_value the new value
  #     @return [Object] the new value
  # @!method get_and_set(new_value)
  #   @!macro atomic_reference_method_get_and_set
  #     Atomically sets to the given value and returns the old value.
  #     @param [Object] new_value the new value
  #     @return [Object] the old value
  # @!method compare_and_set(old_value, new_value)
  #   @!macro atomic_reference_method_compare_and_set
  #     Atomically sets the value to the given updated value if
  #     the current value == the expected value.
  #     @param [Object] old_value the expected value
  #     @param [Object] new_value the new value
  #     @return [Boolean] `true` if successful. A `false` return indicates
  #     that the actual value was not equal to the expected value.
  # @!method update
  #   Pass the current value to the given block, replacing it
  #   with the block's result. May retry if the value changes
  #   during the block's execution.
  #   @yield [Object] Calculate a new value for the atomic reference using
  #     given (old) value
  #   @yieldparam [Object] old_value the starting value of the atomic reference
  #   @return [Object] the new value
  # @!method try_update
  #   Pass the current value to the given block, replacing it
  #   with the block's result. Return nil if the update fails.
  #   @yield [Object] Calculate a new value for the atomic reference using
  #     given (old) value
  #   @yieldparam [Object] old_value the starting value of the atomic reference
  #   @note This method was altered to avoid raising an exception by default.
  #     Instead, this method now returns `nil` in case of failure. For more info,
  #     please see:
  #   @return [Object] the new value, or nil if update failed
  # @!method try_update!
  #   Pass the current value to the given block, replacing it
  #   with the block's result. Raise an exception if the update
  #   fails.
  #   @yield [Object] Calculate a new value for the atomic reference using
  #     given (old) value
  #   @yieldparam [Object] old_value the starting value of the atomic reference
  #   @note This behavior mimics the behavior of the original
  #     `AtomicReference#try_update` API. The reason this was changed was to
  #     avoid raising exceptions (which are inherently slow) by default. For more
  #     info:
  #   @return [Object] the new value
  #   @raise [Concurrent::ConcurrentUpdateError] if the update fails
  class AtomicReference < AtomicReferenceImplementation

    # @return [String] Short string representation.
    def to_s
      format '%s value:%s>', super[0..-2], get

    alias_method :inspect, :to_s