module ISO3166 class Country extend CountryClassMethods include Emoji attr_reader :data ISO3166::DEFAULT_COUNTRY_HASH.each do |method_name, _type| define_method method_name do data[method_name.to_s] end end ISO3166::DEFAULT_COUNTRY_HASH['geo'].each do |method_name, _type| define_method method_name do data['geo'][method_name.to_s] end end def initialize(country_data) @country_data_or_code = country_data reload end def valid? !(data.nil? || data.empty?) end alias zip postal_code alias zip? postal_code alias postal_code? postal_code alias languages languages_official alias names unofficial_names def ==(other) other.respond_to?(:alpha2) && other.alpha2 == alpha2 end def eql?(other) self == other end def hash [alpha2, alpha3].hash end def <=>(other) to_s <=> other.to_s end def currency Money::Currency.find(data['currency_code']) end def start_of_week data['start_of_week'] end def subdivisions? File.exist?(subdivision_file_path) end def subdivisions @subdivisions ||= subdivision_data.inject({}) do |hash, (k, v)| hash.merge(k => end end alias states subdivisions def in_eu? data['eu_member'].nil? ? false : data['eu_member'] end def in_eea? data['eea_member'].nil? ? false : data['eea_member'] end def to_s data['name'] end def translated_names data['translations'].values end def translation(locale = 'en') data['translations'][locale.to_s.downcase] end # TODO: Looping through locale langs could be be very slow across multiple countries def local_names ISO3166.configuration.locales = (ISO3166.configuration.locales + reload @local_names ||= { |language| translations[language] } end def local_name @local_name ||= local_names.first end def reload @data = if @country_data_or_code.is_a?(Hash) @country_data_or_code else end end private def subdivision_data @subdivision_data ||= if subdivisions? YAML.load_file(subdivision_file_path) else {} end end def subdivision_file_path File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'data', 'subdivisions', "#{alpha2}.yaml") end end end